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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02qXZecF8zbsKWEazzMK8CzokRorzefeMaYxXaEgVq62tm1zgQvAGGQGEKDhXd4FZcl&id=100047773129279
  2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Aye ok, Walter!
  3. There is no way he was sat there with a face like that before the photographer got there 😂😂😂😂
  4. The one on the right has a face like a slapped arse. "listen lads, will take a picture for the article, could you look as sad as possible please?"
  5. I need to get the password reset for that account, thanks for reminding me.
  6. That FB page takes the mickey out of people in local publications that appear with sad and/or compo faces. That picture is a perfect example of the genre.
  7. It's made the Angry People in Local Newspapers FB page... https://www.facebook.com/100044586602590/posts/pfbid0jmVS5WJa9kJnZ2Vo1ubvpApwubaj4dZrG6vW8EvChEzT8eAieLZ2EZskfW6Ye25vl/
  8. Forgot to mention the disability he cites has zero impact on his capability to read road signs. Usual local media garbage.
  9. Good to see Jack's death threat from the last page get deleted. Disgusting stuff.
  10. Summary: person who doesnt live in Sheffield anymore, and hasnt lived here for years, does zero research before coming back to Sheffield, drives here with his eyes closed, doesnt see the signs about the bus gate, drives through it, and then plays his disability card. Thats about it.
  11. I have 1,415 (and counting) forum accounts, mate. I think you were number 433 of those, going off my notes.
  12. One of them has Kommune on it, doesnt it? Room for a lovely mosque in there.
  13. I suggest you read the thread back and look at who decided to make it about me. Clue: the username has two names and the second word rhymes with "toke".
  14. I'm not the one going off about how I am ignoring him tbf. He jumped into this despite me not even mentioning him. Its wonderful tbh. Reporting all his toxic bile, and it being deleted, has clearly annoyed him something rotten. Therefore I will continue to do it. You can have a free pass as you are actually amusing.
  15. I would reply but I have you on ignore, yet I cant actually ignore you. It's the done thing, apparently.
  16. He has me on ignore because he is absolutely rattled by me. And, seemingly, cant actually ignore me. In his head.
  17. Better than your blatant racism tbf. Hopefully continues to be deleted on sight. Give the Combat 18 Forum a go.
  18. Jack still upset all his xenophobic, racist or hate speech posts have been removed of late, there. Have a hug, mate.
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