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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I mean, I proved Prepayment meters were not more expensive using a Government document, in actual fact for those in electric only houses they are actually a much cheaper option, not too sure what you are pontificating about now. Apology still accepted, though. Maybe treat it as a lesson in unit rates and payment methods.
  2. The age likely wasnt guaranteed either. I wont be able to claim until 68. Wouldnt be surprised if this goes to 69 before they say it will. Life expectancy has gone up.
  3. Some forum members will be a bit disappointed when they see the skin colour of the protagonists. Hard luck, lads. No casual/blatant racism for you in this thread.
  4. Eh? You were promised a pension based on National Insurance contributions, nobody is taking this away from you. Nor was the amount specified.
  5. Apology accepted. Prepayment being cheaper than direct debit has nothing to do with smart meters btw 😉
  6. Hope you have had time to digest the actual numbers as posted rather than relying on inaccurate CAB websites 😉
  7. And plan to live on a pittance from the State in their declining years. It's no way to live a life.
  8. If anything it's sites like that Poundland are likely looking to take over. Out of town, lower rents.
  9. Can you stop derailing the thread with petty arguments please.
  10. See, none of my business is it? Just like my job is none of yours. Now, let's stop derailing this thread.
  11. That is none of your business tbf. I will remember the first line of the post above when you are busy also pontificating to others.
  12. I imagine at some point it will change so that you can only claim the State Pension if you dont have a private pension up to a certain amount. There will be nothing stopping me claiming the State pension when I am 68, when/if I do I will be earning more at the age of 68 than I do now, and I wont have a mortgage or NI to pay, its absurd.
  13. You really struggle with people posting opinions on here, dont you? @Padders I see you liked the above post. Did you also fail to make arrangements other than the State pension? I hope not.
  14. Employers have to offer a workplace pension but employees can opt out of these. IMO this shouldnt be allowed and all employees should be forced to pay into a workplace/private pension.
  15. Opinions differ, who woulda thunk it eh? What do you think about people in their 20s actively trying to opt out of pension schemes now?
  16. And whose fault is that? Their own. Sensible people will realise taking time out from work would affect things further down the line. Too many people live for the now without giving a single thought to the future. I have seen many people in their 20s attempting to opt out of defined benefit pension schemes and asking for refunds because they dont want 6% of their wages taken out. Absolutely moronic thinking.
  17. More fool them for not paying into a work or private pension, any pensioner who gets to retirement age solely planning to live off the State Pension is an absolute moron.
  18. Not strictly true. Mine tells me how much I have used today and the last 7 days. Old ones dont do that. All useful info for monitoring usage.
  19. For once, Jack is actually right. That page doesnt even tell you the latest Government capped rates, and they are merely perpetuating the myth that Prepayment is a rip off, which it hasnt been for years. Page 30 of this PDF tells you the latest capped rates: https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-9714/CBP-9714.pdf Based on the OFGEM average house (the calculations used to calculate the price cap) of 3000 electric units (8.22 a day) and 12000 gas units (32.88 a day) ), the costs for utilities in the Yorkshire region are as follows: DD customers - £2.96 a day for electric, £2.66 a day for gas = £5.62 a day Prepayment customers - £2.92 a day for electric, £2.65 a day for gas = £5.57 a day Still want to maintain prepayment costs more? As an aside, Electric only houses are actually better off on prepayment, once 4.5kwH are used a day (a tiny amount for an all electric house).
  20. Oh that must be right then 🙄🙄🙄 I will post the capped rate table in the morning and then you can make your own mind up with actual numbers.
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