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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. You think council tax pays for all council functions? Hahahahahahahaha
  2. So you are bored of the athletics, despite the fact the athletics doesn't start until Thursday? Impressive.
  3. I know your tongue is firmly in your cheek but I've thought for years that benefits should be paid in cards/tokens than can only be used for groceries and utilities. Asylum seekers used to (may still do, actually) get a card called an Azure card. Can be used in major supermarkets but can't be used to buy alcohol and fags.
  4. Pretty sure that this wouldnt be allowed under employment law, and if it is the unions would have a field day, you cant punish people until found guilty, do you know how the judiciary works?
  5. No, I assume hes received pictures of an underage child, assume the legislation hasnt been updated to account for modern technology and hence the wording "making" remains.
  6. Please stop using his real name, it upsets folk.
  7. I like how you had to copy and paste that name from elsewhere to ensure you got it right
  8. Don't beat about the bush, lets just say his followers are a bit thick. Cheers.
  9. Maybe not. Hopefully thats put an end to the "marches".
  10. Assume he comes back to the country next time he wants to do one of his big Gammon Marches. Or will people turn out without him actually being there? Baaaaaaaaa!
  11. Thankfully we live in a society where people are presumed innocent until proven guilty, and this will remain the case until he either pleads guilty, or is found guilty by a jury of his peers.
  12. Maybe, but closing a bar in the HoC isnt going to solve the budget defecit.
  13. Personally yes, shouldn't have kids if you can't afford it, but I accept that may be an unpopular opinion.
  14. You need to go to the other thread mate, where people make up the names of the medal winners.
  15. He's paid NI in so why not? Winter Fuel is essentially a benefit payment.
  16. I thought it was nice that the BBC got him back in one last time today to report the news on himself though.
  17. Seems fair enough, pensioners with millions in the bank got this payment, which was a nonsense.
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