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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I literally just told you they didn't 😂
  2. Ahem.... I would ask them to merge it but she will likely delete it instead....
  3. It's nothing to do with the "council", it's the Labbour party who have told its members to vote a certain way, which happens all the time in UK politics.
  4. As they do now kinda with the wholesale pricing tarrifs. People who can shift their usage outside of the 4-9pm window on the Octopus Agile tariff can make decent savings. Not for me though as I like my dinner between those times.
  5. BBC News - House of Representatives to open Biden impeachment inquiry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-66779228 @trastrick right now...
  6. No different to the whips in the House of Commons tbf. If you get elected under the banner of a party this will always happen.
  7. Indeed, I regularly see Wembley Stadium from the plane when I use Manchester, they go up the east of the country quite regularly the then turn left over the Peaks. SOMETIMES they do go out to the Wirral and go down that way, mind. Will depend on what runway is being used.
  8. Thats gone back to the Commons with over 400 amendments, plus nobody has the manpower to enforce anything within it, I wouldnt worry too much.
  9. The US would host our nuclear weapons if we asked, I am sure. Dont see the harm.
  10. No, I typed the correct words mate. Thanks for trying, though.
  11. You are on monthly Variable Direct Debit then, sounds perfect. Personally I prefer to spread it through the year but not everyone is the same. Just like in France: People who refuse the installation of a Linky smart meter at their property in France after January 2023 will face paying an extra €50 per year, it has been confirmed, with up to 3.8 million people affected. https://www.connexionfrance.com/article/French-news/Millions-who-refuse-Linky-meter-at-France-home-will-have-to-pay-extra Seems reasonable. If you want an old meter or refuse to change it to a smart meter, you pay a higher standing charge for the "privilege".
  12. Yup the sooner the UK has a fully smart grid the better. The naysayers can pay more until they crumble.
  13. Pre payment electric isn't any more expensive as normal electric. Standing charges are slightly higher but balanced out by cheaper unit rates. It's a myth that pre payment meters are a rip off. In any case normal meters can also be converted, through a court order and the embarrassment of having a bailiff at the door. Which is the better option? As for smart meters not being for the benefit of customers - I have been paying 17p a unit on average all summer with mine. What about you?
  14. Someone get the tin foil out. People who refuse to have smart meters being charged higher rates would soon focus minds.
  15. Until I know what's in this "plan" I don't know whether to be outraged or not.
  16. If he's over a certain age he will be getting over 200 quid in benefits every week....
  17. It's better than the alternative of just letting them ride roughshod over any green space they chance upon. Which would you prefer?
  18. You want the UK to have a military coup similar to that in an impoverished African nation?
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