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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Yes it is. I posted a link within minutes to disprove it. Nice try though.
  2. Erm, no it wasnt. Want another reminder? "If a business buys something for £1 using a card the bank will charge them between 30p and 50p in fees." Admit this was a lie, given not every business will be charged, and we can move on to the other things raised. Cheers.
  3. Pretty sure the signage leading to the roundabout actually mentions it too.
  4. I heard the manager of Aldi puts people on ignore on forums because he is a massive pussy.
  5. Least it means both sides can concentrate on the relegation battle now.
  6. That junction can be awful at the best of times and doesn't help it's a bus route either with long buses attempting that corner.
  7. Aye the bookies on City Road shut just before Covid hit I think. William Hill shut a load nationwide and this was one of them. The one further up is still there though. Someone set fire to it a few years ago after losing a bet and it been fully refurbed now.
  8. I believe it is, yes. Haven't been down there in a few weeks. It's been slightly remodelled since Google Earth took their shots iirc. But the concept is the same: turn left after the Sainsbury's Local and rejoin Arundel Gate in the opposite direction. You also have the option of turning off before the casino.
  9. "I can't believe I ain't allowed to stick my head out of the bleedin' monorail window, it's health and safety gone mad! I'm off down the railway tracks"
  10. Funny you should talk about the Hole In The Road, I have just seen this on Facebook.... https://www.sheffieldguide.blog/2020/05/22/sheffield-monorail-aborted-plans-what-happened/ Imagine a monorail over it!
  11. You don't need to drive on their "forecourt"...
  12. Erm, nope. Go and check how much other local authorities pay them.
  13. Do you think businesses with staff want to put their staff in constant conflict with morons who are happy to go into their shops and make threats etc? As you are your own boss you can make any decision you like about what you wish to subject yourself to.
  14. https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/484479-john-lewis-boss-calls-for-abusing-shop-workers-to-be-an-offence/?do=findComment&comment=8712903 "I can't believe you can't go into a bleedin' airport and tell someone you have a bomb in your bag as a joke these days! When I was a lad you could have a bloomin' joke with the staff about such things! What woke nonsense!"
  15. It's not classed as a wage, so that's probably the get out. Every local authority in the country is similar.
  16. A post on the last page literally tells you how much they get paid, it's a matter of public record as they are elected officials. I wasn't on about civil servants.
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