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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I dont even think National Express run direct services between Sheffield and Manchester, so that says it all really.
  2. You would be amazed at what young children would actually think about it, most actually wouldnt care less.
  3. Oh aye. However given I am not the living embodiment of Mary Whitehouse, I am not offended by it.
  4. Someone post said images from said book please. Suspect this pair are a bunch of drama queens.
  5. Only a silver there for Hudson-Smith, a bit slower than the other night but still would have been silver had he matched it. Good going.
  6. Glad we cleared up you were talking nonsense then.
  7. Interesting. By past security on the inbound I assume you mean passport control. Am I allowed through these keypad controlled doors in baggage reclaim then? An example from Manchester...
  8. Yeah good luck with telling the boss you won't be getting on the coach parked next to the plane and you will be making your own way through the terminal 😂😂
  9. Yes seen those before actually in use. That won't stop a numpty trying to use a wire that's clearly not long enough though, but not much you can do about that.
  10. Well that's only because we are hitting winter and the usage goes up. Unit rates will still be going down a tad and that's the main headline. Nobody knows how they will split the saving yet but if its anything like last time it will be disproportionate and electric only consumers will get shafted again.
  11. Well for drug dealers it is, aye. Good to see you sticking up for them though
  12. OK so that's one example of one motorist about 80 miles away being a wally and using a wire that's not long enough. How about the millions of other electric or hybrid car owners?
  13. I can't agree with it. Yes don't give her a pension but if anything, refund the contributions she has made and that can go towards the victims compensation fund.
  14. I haven't seen a single one of these "erected" 3 feet in the air causing a hazard.
  15. Are wheelchairs not able to roll over a power lead then? Give the disabled some credit.
  16. Essentially the standing charge is being paid on the first two units used. That electric rate is also lower than the cap for DD customers in Yorkshire, so prepayment isnt anywhere near as bad as it used to be. As an aside, wholesale gas prices are down 14% so far today, this is after a 10% drop yesterday, so the blip earlier this week now been cancelled out.
  17. No matter how you go its going to be a nightmare to get there, given lack of major trunk roads, Google Maps is suggesting a number of routes as you say, probably depends if you fancy going via Birmingham or not. Personally I would be going the way via Wrexham and Oswestry it suggests.
  18. I suppose people have had a decade (?) to get used to not displaying a tax disc, so I am sure people will cope eventually.
  19. That wouldnt change the channel name on Freeview tbh, which is what seemingly happened here.
  20. The original service wasnt a subsidised service iirc, it was run 7 days a week as a commercial service and didnt last very long at all. If they are only willing to bring it back as a subsidised service one day a week, that says it all. The Snake Pass Inn has always looked shut when I have driven past it tbh, is it actually still open?
  21. And how many of those arent on OAP passes? Thats likely the crux of it. If it was a profitable route, or worth subsidising, it would still be running 7 days a week.
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