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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. And how many of those arent on OAP passes? Thats likely the crux of it. If it was a profitable route, or worth subsidising, it would still be running 7 days a week.
  2. Dont even see why they thought a major Glossop-Sheffield (and vice versa) demand existed tbh, there are no settlements on the A57 between Ladybower (where services turn off towards Bamford) and Glossop, and people take jobs on the basis of existing provision, not the likelihood someone will wander in 10 years later and put a bus route in. Just seemed strange all round.
  3. They must have though, God knows why, that there was some pent up Sheffield demand for a direct bus to the Airport that takes 2 hours, that only ran 5 (?) times a day, and would have been absolutely useless for the raft of 6-7am departures major airports operate.
  4. I cant imagine the through traffic from Sheffield to the Airport was anything significant, and between Manchester and the Airport the bus would have been competing with a myriad of other buses, trams and trains. In addition it would have been very rare that the timings of that bus would have fitted in with both legs of the plane journey. Wouldnt have seen me anywhere near it. Or, heaven forbid, online, like the vast vast majority of their customers will already do. Responding to changing buying trends in the year 2023 by closing (likely) loss making physical counters isnt "struggling" by any definition.
  5. In which case write things in a paper diary then, it isn't tricky. I'm not even 40 😂
  6. Woe betide people are responsible for their own finances. It's not difficult to keep notes of when things are due. Modern technology makes it even easier. Besides anyone can just sign up for the free reminder system if they like
  7. And will have involved the short notice changing of security protocol, which may not have actually been possible.
  8. Or, the airport could have told the people waiting there were no plans for them to enter the terminal, which would have been much more sensible than everything being changed at short notice.
  9. Mrs Browns Boys. Apparently its back for a new series in a few weeks, for Christ sake. I dont know a single person who finds it funny.
  10. I dont think its unreasonable to ask why a "third world country" is spending millions on the space race, it certainly isnt racist to ask.
  11. 400m final later could be exceptional, hard to call. The British lad looked like he had something in reserve when he broke the long standing European record in the semi finals.
  12. I managed to get an Uber from Aston the other week, late at night, with absolutely no issue whatsoever.
  13. Has anyone been watching this? Its been magnificent this year, and thankfully in a handy timezone (unlike last year) Two Dutch athletes falling meters before the line on the first night ( minutes apart), KJT returning from injury to sneak a gold, a lovely shared gold medal last night and an amazing 1500m mens final last night too.
  14. Maybe this isnt the thread for it and it merits a wider (more generic) discussion elsewhere, but if you convert to a religion surely you convert to all their etchings and beliefs, and not just pick and choose the ones you want? One to ponder. Nothing against dogs, though, they do make life a lot better.
  15. And will be the same reason the Sunday new service will fail, although I assume that's being propped up by county council funding anyway.
  16. Fifteen pounds a month is decent but suppose the credit will run out one day.
  17. It's not going to be by much, so don't get too excited.
  18. I was thinking of this one https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/transport/sheffield-to-manchester-bus-route-to-be-axed-next-year-3473481
  19. Is there? Thought that was quietly binned ages ago, it originally went through to the Airport, then it got cut back, and then was binned? Edit - looks like it's back next week. Sundays only. One day a week https://www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/TSY/media/Timetables/257-Sheffield-valid-from-03-September-2023-(PDF-932kb).pdf?ext=.pdf There used to be a daily one, trying to remember the number now.
  20. Saw this Tweet and put me in mind of some people on here... https://twitter.com/NoContextBrits/status/1694372569531425197?t=JYCyIy1WXq8wNODu7bCyyA&s=19
  21. Wave how? They won't have even gone into the terminal proper and will have left via a coach no doubt though a goods exit at the airport. Heathrow isn't like the old Liverpool airport ffs with thousands of thronging Beatles fans stood on the roof 😂😂
  22. About to say. Nobody who turned up actually checked they would be going through the terminal so its their own fault.
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