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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. And I am sure many agree with me too. Aren't opinions wonderful?
  2. I am gutted you have a different opinion to me on this. Distraught.
  3. Are we really calling a coffee a bribe that needs declaring? Come on now.
  4. Here, mate. Happy to help. If you don't agree with me that's fine. Don't think for one second I won't be posting it though.
  5. Not at all. You are the one who has an issue with me posting an opinion on here. Kindly stop posting your own opinions too. Ta.
  6. Please stop posting your personal opinion on the forum, mate. Your rules. Cheers.
  7. Please don't post your personal opinion on this forum ever again then 😂😂😂😂
  8. All channels do. It's an accepted standard in sports and news broadcasting in the year 2023. It looks cheap otherwise. Imagine the moaning the Daily Mail would be doing if the BBC covered the Olympics from a studio in Salford with one pundit only, it would be through the roof.
  9. BBC News simulcasts with BBC One for that hour, and it's a breakfast magazine programme for the masses. Dont see the harm in them having two hosts. They don't for the rest of the time. Now let's do one the other way then... Portrait Artist Of The Year, on Sky Arts (you never said which Sky channels you were talking about btw) has two hosts. Do they need two hosts? All channels have programme with two hosts when in your opinion one would probably suffice, it's hardly a BBC thing. It's what people expect in modern day television Sky News isn't 233 in my house btw, because I am not a Freeview peasant.
  10. No no no mate, a council being a bit slow with a street redevelopment is much worse than a council that went bankrupt and than whacked 15% onto everyone's council tax as a result.
  11. Blimey he's pulled the coloured font out now. Chekhov-esque. Well maybe he can clarify then. Personally I have absolutely no issue with the BBC sending over a HANDFUL of staff for the final four games of the biggest womens football event in the world that is only held every four years. Adds something to the event them being there than in a broom cupboard... Oops better not say that again. The license fee is fantastic value for money for the amount of BBC content I consume. You have a choice not to pay it and not watch live TV broadcasts of course.
  12. You are comparing apples with eggs tbf, look at live football coverage, Sky have one host and 2/3 pundits, absolutely no different to what the BBC or ITV do, as its what the consumer expects. This isn't the 1970s anymore with no host and a commentary done down the phone. The BBC don't have 2 hosts for "every single programme" btw. I am sure you know this and you are exaggerating a little. Not really. BBC Sport is based in Salford and people like Dobby would happily want every single sporting event to be done on the cheap. No people on location, no fancy graphics, the smallest studio possible (i.e. a broom cupboard, akin to the old CBBC studio). Heck, maybe just one camera operated by remote control, why waste money on a cameraman?
  13. 0 reporters listed on the closing credits. As I said, if they did the final from a broom cupboard in Salford they wouldn't win, they are losing either way with the likes of you and the Daily Mail. Look at the stick Prince William has got for not going. Had he gone they would have moaned about the carbon impact etc. Moan moan moan.
  14. They have, license fee rises have been less than inflation. Oh and the number of "reporters" shown in the credits at the end of the coverage a bit ago? Zero. If people think 2m on Lineker and Shearer is a lot for the BBC to be stumping up, you better not go and look at how much they stump up to get the PL highlights rights, they would have a hernia 😂😂
  15. Ah so don't spent money whatsoever. Got it. Maybe they should just broadcast the test card 24 hours a day. You know this how? You don't know me.
  16. Gosh, is that based on your experience from working in TV? Also, they don't have 20 "reporters" out there. Watch the credits at the end if you don't believe me.
  17. Can't have been Anna, it didn't mention Jeremy Corbyn.
  18. In any case Waitrose aren't asking the police to come and patrol their aisles, they are merely hoping there is psychology involved in people seeing a police car parked outside. Worth a go I suppose.
  19. Not really, no. Other shops are free to offer the same perks.
  20. Making TV in costing money shocker. Surprised he hasn't suggested all news programmes should be read out by a robot, or all sporting events can be easily filmed and enjoyed by one camera only with no commentary. In black and white.
  21. Maybe Parking Services came to his village when he was a child and raped all the women.
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