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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. They can't win tbf, had they sent nobody the Daily Mail would be going off about how disrespectful it is etc. Also what do you want them to do, it's three full days between final semi final and the final, they are hardly going to fly them home in between, fair play if they are doing fun things. Of course you probably think they should sit in the hotel room doing nowt I between, I assume?
  2. To prove a point to Irene, just read the posts before I quoted it.
  3. Yes the half hour price has gone under 3p for two periods today on Agile, although in a few minutes it goes up to 30p. Tomorrow is back to Friday prices so only a one day blip sadly.
  4. I also need to watch the "sequel" to Train To Busan, think it's called Peninsula.
  5. I agree. If you like gore and zombies, try and find The Sadness. It's Taiwanese and it's 100 times worse on the gore scale. You may struggle to find it though.
  6. None of this would have happened if Letby was allowed to park outside the Lyceum and go to Redgates. Obviously.
  7. We had to read the book and do a book report in Year 7 for that. Someone in my class hadn't read the book so on the morning of the lesson he asked us what the book was about so he could write something up quickly. Someone told him the kestrel dies because Billy Caspers brother put it in the microwave. He went and wrote it in the report 😂😂
  8. No no no mate. They should be made to park up in nearby private multi storey car parks, maybe 10 floors up, which takes time and by which point people could have driven off, and then the taxpayer gets to pick the bill up for parking services to get their car out of the car park.
  9. Aye I am sure the FA gave FIFA a bell on Thursday to ask them to move the most important football game in the world for women back a hour just to suit pub opening times in one country 😂😂
  10. This is serious stuff, nobody is allowed to joke on here.
  11. Well I'm sorry to some on here that is unacceptable. He should have been down Dixon Lane with his dad on Thursday night for a celebration pint of Stooooooooones, and then on the building site Friday morning as a hod carrier.
  12. This is all very disturbing, but the real issue seems to be traffic wardens parking in cycle lanes. Apparently.
  13. And people they are out ticketing. Christ, the hysteria here is unbelievable, you would think they are out murdering puppies. Every Parking Services team in the entire country will operate in the same manner, direct your annoyance to government who allow them to operate like that.
  14. So you want them to go and park up in a private multi storey car park, and pay the private company the fee to get out (it's barrier controlled) whilst dispensing tickets?
  15. Someone remind me who Plaintalker was. Was she a old mod/admin?
  16. It's on TV legally in every country in the world except for North Korea, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Afghanistan and the United Kingdom. Was moved to today not for TV but because Trent Bridge has a game tomorrow and that was in the calendar long before this.
  17. Have you tried ringing them on 01142759035 and asking them?
  18. They are emptying the building and selling it, so one for the new owners to deal with. Its not a hardship to spend the extra minute walking round it (or just cut through Reception during opening hours if you are feeling cheeky), and once round it there is a subway to get to both roads you name.
  19. Most people on here won't be happy until all the kids go down t'mines for 25 hours a day, with maybe a luxury trip to Cockaynes or the Locarno at the weekend.
  20. Yes, but I wasn't paying attention when I walked down there Friday. Barriers about near Tesco etc.
  21. It's more the 10 minutes it takes for her to tell a "joke".
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