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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Of course they haven't. Cash is king innit. Wink wink.
  2. Haha, really? 😂😂😂 Maybe Irene sends them postal orders.
  3. I never said that. If you haven't seen businesses going card only, you need to go for an eye test. I will give you one though - the one in the opening post here, in a thread your old login contributed to before you deleted everything in a huff
  4. Absolutely not, because that's just exceedingly petty and you can find out for yourself when you go to them 😂
  5. Absolute rubbish. I have seen the total opposite. Ones that were always cash only anyway dont count.
  6. Bring back Redgates and the Hole In The Road! Now!
  7. Aye, if you lose a wad of cash instead thats much better.
  8. If it was a one off I would let it go but if it happens again I would certainly put in a complaint, 230g out on a 1kg package is certainly well beyond reasonable tolerance imo.
  9. You just made that up. No I am not joining a paranoid little FB group unless they make all discussions public.
  10. What portion of the tables does this tiny brasserie, only open 4 nights a week, with a 3 month advance booking system, keep open for walk ins?
  11. Even tiny brasseries only open 4 nights a week? Go and find out, please.
  12. "Sorry madam, we are fully booked and have been for a month, you should have paid a deposit online then. Bye!"
  13. Never trust anyone that has their own domain name yet insists on still using a Gmail email address....
  14. I was working on the assumption you didn't watch MoTD on Saturday night as you hate the host, and so avoid the Saturday results until Monday morning also?
  15. Some = two. She hasn't had a very good day, bless her. Thinks Costa run the Tesco cafes 😂
  16. You go two days avoiding results? 😂😂😂 Just watch it on the iPlayer and fast forward the bits with Lineker in. Crikey.
  17. Les Dawson wore a dress in some sketches though, so some forum posters probably find him disgusting.
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