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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I dont see how a bloke in a dress on Masterchef is any different to a bloke in a dress hosting a game show. Can you explain further? Oddly enough, Masterchef had a bloke in a dress a few years back. I dont remember any outrage then. Funny old world innit?
  2. One on Masterchef this evening that people seem to be losing their faeces over. Did they forget Dame Edna and Lily Savage were on telly for years? Or that one is in almost every panto for 6 weeks over Xmas?
  3. Maybe I should start my own TV repair shop with anti-Covid and anti-modern life messages on my website and shop window.
  4. Nothing on the FB page for the event since the 4th July. Two people have asked on the FB page for Network (one of the venues) and have been ignored, they have replied to someone asking if its cashless though (it isnt, Irene will be pleased)
  5. Have they kicked off an hour early where you live? 😃
  6. That doesnt really give me any numbers. And a "housing problem" could be someone sofa surfing, thats not exactly living on the streets.
  7. Put a number on it. And then ignore the ones who actually have accommodation, and have refused all help offered.
  8. If you believe the Daily Mail the streets are littered with ex-servicemen, obviously.
  9. Well aye that's just a bizarre deflection. We know the only thing that will cut inflation is allowing people to park outside the Lyceum again. That and bringing back Cockaynes. And outdoor toilets.
  10. The number of people on Twitter who don't understand how inflation works is astonishing. "Why are prices still going up if inflation is going down? " Erm, maybe because inflation is running at over 6%, mate 🙄🙄
  11. City Sauna only take cards now, George Soros and Klaus Schwab nipped in the other week and ordered them to do so. Apparently. Erm, a mate told me that.
  12. Sheffield has done this too. https://www.helpushelpsheffield.uk/ Some people will obviously never listen though.
  13. Their loss then. I will just saunter past all of you and be on my way using the plentiful self service tills. And they say cash is king 😂
  14. Irene forgetting to mention the 10+ self service tills, there. I wonder why?
  15. If people only check things monthly, more fool them.
  16. Nowhere but that was the implication being made imo. She isn't "getting off" with anything if she ends up in Rampton ffs, she is clearly madder than a box of frogs.
  17. Just do a full retune in the settings then. Will likely fix it.
  18. You would be happy with severely mentally ill people in the normal prison system?
  19. Just retune your entire channel list. For some reason it's switched to the BBC1 North East and Cumbria region. Out of interest is your ITV region fine? Be helpful if you told us what you are actually watching through - is it Freeview built into a TV?
  20. Didnt see the hospital line bit until now. That raises all manner of questions then.
  21. Good guess but she is currently the British number three.
  22. If I am, fair enough. I couldn't care less, you are literally moaning about security measure so as I said, move somewhere where they don't exist.
  23. Well that's not strictly true, she last won a tour match in March. She is in the advert for the simple reason people know who she is. If you put her and the current British women's #1 side by side, the vast majority would recognise Raducanu. I would wager 99% of people couldn't even name who the current ladies British #1 is off the top of their heads.
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