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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Well that's not strictly true, she last won a tour match in March. She is in the advert for the simple reason people know who she is. If you put her and the current British women's #1 side by side, the vast majority would recognise Raducanu. I would wager 99% of people couldn't even name who the current ladies British #1 is off the top of their heads.
  2. It's hard to have any sympathy for you. Like I said, deal with it or move to a country with lax banking facilities. May I suggest Lesotho.
  3. How terrible for you. Maybe move to a country with more lax banking regulation? Hugs.
  4. But why? It's clearly based on value and not who the merchant is.
  5. You do realise its your bank asking for the code and not HMRC, don't you? As already said, the bank don't give a toss if you are paying Ryanair two grand or HMRC two grand, it's still a high value transaction and the same checks are required. Every time I spend a tenner online I have to go into my app and do a fingerprint. Do I mind? Absolutely not.
  6. Well yes I suppose you could call escaping from a facility a failure of the system, if that is what has actually happened here.
  7. Ah yes, here is her FB page https://www.facebook.com/elonwy.evans.5 Very disturbing. Someone in the comments here claiming she killed two goats.... https://m.facebook.com/groups/2010656412556212/permalink/2987575228197654/
  8. That's the only way to pay it anyway, you can't go in a shop like you can with the Dartford Crossing and do it there. Tenner up to 7 days after, I believe you can even pay it 7 days beforehand too.
  9. No. There are no exemptions for driving to a hospital. He can try his luck with an appeal but no guarantees. Official exemptions (if still available) are done on a vehicle basis, and not a "reason" basis, and have to be applied for beforehand. He has 7 days to pay the tenner online, he won't get a reminder until it goes up to 70 quid.
  10. I would build a mosque. And also pay for all roads roughly 15 minutes walk from me to be blocked off, with a security guard on them to stop people leaving. Any left over money to be spent on exploding collars.
  11. Anyone paying to watch these fights is an absolute moron. Hopefully Cuttsie has a magic firestick he uses, otherwise I am very disappointed.
  12. It's a good job nobody is stopping anyone from leaving then, isn't it?
  13. Is the Post Office still at the back of the one on Haymarket?
  14. Will have been put in there by one of my colleagues at the time, just to clarify it was actually her and not some bloke trying to access her account. Can't imagine she agreed to such a note tbh.
  15. We Have A Ghost (Netflix) A recent film about a family that move into a house and it has a ghost. Very good, funny in places and a surprisingly touching ending. 9/10
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