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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. That time on a Sunday morning most of the scummers are still in bed tbf.
  2. He wasnt in Eastenders tonight. Or on the news. I agree with ThaBoom though, I watched Hijack the other week, it's very good.
  3. To be fair it's a visa waiver scheme, but no different to the American scheme as already stated.
  4. It's going to be no different to the ESTA scheme the Yanks have, and won't cost much. Settle down. https://etias.com/etias-requirements/etias-for-british-citizens Oh, and 52% of people voted for this, so we aren't allowed to moan about it. If anything it might speed border entry up.
  5. RIP Mrs Warboys from One Foot In The Grave. Wake up sheeple.
  6. Well yes, the paranoid will suffer too. Best they stick to their panic rooms and ration tins.
  7. I assumed mainly highly paid professionals. Is this not correct then? When i went to school there was one bus there and one bus back, 6 miles away. If you missed it you were on your own. I am sure the current generation of snowflakes can cope with a mere 3 buses an hour.
  8. OK and as I said earlier, are people really going to be using buses given the type of people who work at places like this? It's not going to create a huge strain on the existing bus network imo. The buses the residents get are a different issue, to be fair. Sat next to a railway line, but we know a new station won't happen anytime soon.
  9. Its likely just sour grapes to try and drag things out, more than anything.
  10. So the area already has 3 buses an hour at peak times then essentially? Seems plenty enough tbf, if they correct the info don't see why it would be rejected.
  11. Ive been away this week. Seaside. Child in front of me at the chippy actually asked the lady behind the counter if they take cash. Unthinkable you would even need to ask that 5 years ago. The main people who seem to have a problem with places not taking cash are stuck in their ways older folk, so hopefully attention seekers like Corbyn will slowly die out. The Aldi he went to seems to be being run on a trial basis anyway.
  12. Suspect he only went there specifically to create this fuss on purpose given he is an utter clown normally - look at what's across the road when he leaves the Aldi. Yes, that's right, another branch of a major supermarket who would have happily taken his cash. He also probably needs to look up the definition of what legal tender actually is.
  13. Can't be many others out of town. Even in Sheffield it was in the wrong place really, the old Market area is on its arse.
  14. Was a general observation more than anything, I can't imagine this would create a huge new demand for an enhanced bus service.
  15. Must say I haven't been in Wilko for years. Much prefer Home Bargains which is essentially the same, but with decent priced alcohol. And easier to get to, which is mainly the issue for Wilko - don't think they have any "out of town" locations that I know of.
  16. Also, how many people employed here are going to be relying on public transport anyway? Highly skilled work is it not, they are likely to be car owners.
  17. Aye, two quid to travel all the way across the city is a proper ripoff isn't it @hello1964?
  18. Top tip for the outraged: you don't actually have to buy any of the Xmas stuff yet if you dont want to. Happy to help.
  19. More people than would do than if it was in an old shop unit 😂😂😂
  20. And the Tango Blast shops. One at the bottom of London Road and the other in Attercliffe. Again, neither seem to be open at any point when I pass.
  21. She needs to be more precise then. If she means it should have been in there from the very start, that's just absurd. Who wants to go to a beach and outdoor experience inside an old shop unit? 😂
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