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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I went in the Moor branch only on Wednesday (two days ago). Self scan used. Nowhere are you stopped by either a person or a machine on the way out checking you have a receipt. Sorry to disappoint. I went to Archer Road 8 days previous to this and used the self scan. Guess what?
  2. Which branch in Sheffield does this please? Unless it's a manual check like Costco do it's pointless anyway. Someone could take 10 items to the till, pay for one, get a receipt for it and then scan that to get out. Primark in town operate a system like the latter.
  3. They seemingly do to issue the permit surely, I added the link in whilst you were typing. Otherwise it's solely based on goodwill and the staff there guessing ages.
  4. I don't disagree but as already said, the industry has guidance that says they consider a child to be up to the age of 11 so assuming the operator of Meadowhall car park is a member of the BPA it will be interesting to see this tested in front of a judge when inevitably the parent of a 6 year old child ends up with an invoice. Also note there is cack all mentioned about children with additional needs - they won't all have a blue badge in order to use the disabled spots https://www.meadowhall.co.uk/news/parent-child-parking-permit?fbclid=IwAR31sAKASFwrKGxu2dtHKXMV7ia0Ha-4o4TBPsgcsHDf6NYgf9RhWAm3mgE
  5. "you can't say something won't happen as they haven't said it won't happen", or words to that effect, was a corker of a line the other day tbf. Dunno how he kept a straight face.
  6. No no no, mate. It will mean we all have to move into communal blocks and we won't be allowed on motorways. Apparently we can't say this won't happen because it's not been stated it won't. #OrgangrinderLogic
  7. A picture says it all. Maybe one of the adults will teach you how to post one.
  8. The vast majority of people also want to stick their heads out of train windows whilst they move at speed. Obviously.
  9. So why can't someone else make a legal challenge to it? Is there no mechanism to allow this?
  10. Aye its just going to cause more grief tbh. What happens when you get there, see you need one of these permits, park up to go and get one, and then get back to the car to put it on to find a parking invoice on the car? EDIT - I see the website covers this but it's very wishy washy as to if they will revoke the invoice. I look forward to the small claims track testing the validity of these permits and the subsequent invoices, especially if it involves a 6-10 year old. What about children with additional needs?
  11. Or, just maybe, they think the limits can be lowered by a category C zone only without the need to upgrade to a category B or A zone. Not everything is a conspiracy. Well, maybe on here it is.
  12. Looks great tbh. What's not to like, unless you make some batsh*t crazy conspiracy theory up about it.
  13. And that disclaimer is likely clouding your judgement, by no definition has he "failed" as a comedian. Yes he isn't filling the same size venues now as he once did but to say he has "failed" is a bit inaccurate. That's like saying Leicester failed in the top level of football because they are now in the second tier.
  14. Well, not recently. Smaller venues are used on the tour now. Here is an article from a decade ago for example https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/arts-and-culture/theatre-and-stage/interview-eddie-izzard-1865127 Pretty sure I have seen a DVD he did where he is in front of a packed arena. If that's failure, I would love some of that 😂
  15. Bit harsh to call someone who filled arenas a "failed" comedian.
  16. Wont get very far - the Greens have owned that seat of late. A near 20k majority.
  17. Already being discussed in a) the correct section, and b) on the Sheffield section.
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