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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Well, not recently. Smaller venues are used on the tour now. Here is an article from a decade ago for example https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/arts-and-culture/theatre-and-stage/interview-eddie-izzard-1865127 Pretty sure I have seen a DVD he did where he is in front of a packed arena. If that's failure, I would love some of that 😂
  2. Bit harsh to call someone who filled arenas a "failed" comedian.
  3. Wont get very far - the Greens have owned that seat of late. A near 20k majority.
  4. Already being discussed in a) the correct section, and b) on the Sheffield section.
  5. A good job I don't work in the judiciary then. You missed this from 2 days ago btw 🥰
  6. Be interesting to see if anywhere else that is private parking has these and if someone has won in court if issued with a speculative parking invoice for parking in one without a child. Each visit would be a faff, someone in the comments who is clearly in the know says it lasts 6 months.
  7. In my experience parents take their kids to the park usually to go on the playground. Have the Tramlines rabble destroyed the playground?
  8. Deichmann on The Moor too, although my last two pairs from there haven't lasted long so I don't go there anymore.
  9. Well you could... - do the job yourself - find a family member to do it - be prepared to pay a full days wage for a 2 hour job - wait until you have a days worth of jobs doing and then contact someone - try and find a handyman-type person who may charge by the hour and do multiple jobs in one day - the example in the opening post sounds like a job for a tiler so keep trying every single one until you find one who may come out for 2 hours work and charge for 2 hours work. The above list is not exhaustive.
  10. This is my huge gripe too, just be honest, maybe they just want to be polite but IMO just not turning up when they said they will do is ten times worse. The point about the job being tiny was perfectly relevant as Tops has fleshed out the point. If your mate wants to pay a full day for 2 hours work, great, this certainly wouldnt apply to the vast majority of the population and tradesmen know this.
  11. Wilkinsons (Wilko) on the verge of going under, I see.
  12. In that instance probably not much OFCOM could do anyway - it wasnt an host, it was just a guest.
  13. No you can take it as confirmation that I don't care about it until it affects me. Hope this helps.
  14. I would only be repeating myself at this point tbh, I couldn't care less. They can start charging all cars prior to a 71 plate as far as I am concerned.
  15. Not really, it's hard to give a toss when it doesn't affect me in the slightest.
  16. Christ how many times do you want to say the same thing? Edit - oh he's fixed it now. Nope, still not having that. Let's come back in 20 years then and see who is right. Thread bookmarked.
  17. All those parents love taking their kids to the park in the pouring rain, mate.
  18. No no no we should be allowed to dump what we want, when we want. Also, bring back asbestos and outdoor toilets.
  19. Given its his own money he can do as he pleases without any scrutiny tbh.
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