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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. I wouldn't argue there. Fifteen To One was great in the old days, half an hour and just question after question. They brought it back and made it an hour long and therefore ruined it.
  2. I meant the Konnie Huq episode which was a Series 28 repeat. New episodes in series 29 only started again this Monday after a near 2 month break. Lucy Porter is the host from yesterday for either 10 or 11 episodes, forget which. No idea who was the host on Monday, an Asian lady going off the iPlayer still.
  3. Has it not? Any park that weekend would have ended up in that state, it rained literally none stop for 72 hours. It's still the best park in the city to hold big events like this. Show me what it looked like afterwards in a year when it was held when it was baking hot.
  4. I wonder what's happened in the last 2 years that has resulted in things costing more? A puzzler that one.
  5. Pop us on ignore or don't contribute if you don't like it, there's a good chap.
  6. Backtracking where? I am 100% confident people will not be "penned into areas" or whatever you lot claim will happen. And yes, I am 100% confident no local authority anywhere in the country will do it. Bookmark that and let's return in what, ten years? Happy to make it 20 years if you wish?
  7. Whataboutery! Put a timescale on it then, and let's bookmark this thread and come back then and see who looks the most ridiculous.
  8. What's the problem even if they are? The only issue is if the tinfoil theories have any actual merit.
  9. You have missed the overall point really. Let's say a relative of yours needed some major surgery. Would you be happy letting a surgeon operate who was currently being investigated for potentially killing his last 4 patients? This is the insanity of the situation.
  10. Absolutely bonkers. Pointless engaging with you anymore on the subject. "saying that local authorities won't kill the first born of all it's residents can't be a fact because they don't say on their websites that they won't do this"
  11. I couldn't give a fig if he has done what he is accused of or not, all I am suggesting he should be nowhere near politics until this is sorted. It's not an unreasonable position to take, see the two comparible examples I gave
  12. Oh that wasnt aimed at you. Someone will moan about it though, it was ever thus.
  13. Anyway, why couldnt they just use the money to put parking back outside the Lyceum, or reinstate the Hole In The Road? Or something.
  14. The "Sheffield City Region" isnt just Sheffield, it comprises of Barnsley, Bassetlaw, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire Dales, Doncaster, North East Derbyshire, Rotherham and Sheffield LA areas.
  15. Don't Talk Just Kiss an underrated favourite of mine. Shame they have both turn into nutters 🤣
  16. Ah so its just plain paranoia of authority now. I see.
  17. ...and you can still use all other routes to leave the area. Aye, fully expecting some garbage like that in reply, assuming she bothers to reply.
  18. He was digging me out over a comment weeks ago where I said I dont really care that in some instances an unexempt engine in a van would be exempt if it was moved to a car. Unfair? Yes. But it doesnt impact me so I dont really give a toss.
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