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  1. But it's OK for him to brand another user "a liar" and never apologise despite being asked on many occasions? I think that's me finished with the new breed of Sheffield Forum.
  2. Padders.... Did they really pull my bird-watching joke because of the "language"? Ye Gods... things have really changed on here! Not so sure I like it, other than you having a starring role!
  3. Well, the last time my male friend was in there, the barmaid was very fruity with him. He'd ordered his pint, and she cheekily asked if he'd like it hand-pulled. He replied that he didn't realise that she could reach from there.... (Yes, gutter-level already.....)
  4. Dear Padders. Christmas again. Weather here. Wish you were fine. Off home again to Esbjerg on Tuesday, so won't be seeing you until sometime in 2024. Might send you a card. Then again.... Crappy Histmas to you...
  5. You must've had a different English teacher to me in that case.
  6. Presumably he wants people to read and react to his posts, as do you. What better way to generate a response by making them legible?
  7. What do I think? I tend to skate over reading your posts because they're so bloody difficult to read! Please - please! - slow down when you're typing! Every time you type a comma, leave a space after it. Also try and put a full stop in now and then! And the odd capital letter wouldn't go amiss either! I'm sure your posts are interesting! Just make 'em easier to read!
  8. Give a mate a call, and get your backside to a nearby pub. Have a few jars with good company and in nice, hopefully cosy, surroundings. Maybe not the best advice, but certainly better than dialling ...........
  9. That reminds me of a relative from many years ago, who used to claim that he was "younger than his hair but older than his teeth"
  10. Don't tell user longcol! He reckons "Shoplifting reports to the police equate to as near as damn it one event per retail outlet per year." (He'll probably just claim you're lying....)
  11. I seem to remember reading that stamps could be regarded as legal currency?
  12. Remember this one? https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/thomas-buckett-teenage-burglars-family-5515886 Didn't work out well, I'm pleased to say.
  13. Looks as if some of the recent comments about user longcol have been deleted, presumably after some kind of a complaint about the content. By his own request, mayhap. What a shame.
  14. So that's your reason for stating that you thought I was a liar?! Because you'd never read anything like it before on the forum?! That's pathetic. That is not a reason. Almost as pathetic as your "public spirited" comment - what difference would it make you knowing the branch locations? Obviously I could tell you, but why should I? You're just stalling, scrabbling to get out of the hole you've dug for yourself. And as for your "one shoplifting event per retail outfit per year"...well, that's just a joke. Tell that to the manageress of the Co-op branch who, with black humour, added that she wished the 'lifters would "at least leave the wire baskets before they scarpered...." So again, back to you. I asked you why you felt the need to state that I was lying. I'm still waiting.
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