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Posts posted by S35_2o21

  1. 3 hours ago, pfifes said:

    Moving it to Graves Park would just be shifting the same problem elsewhere.  And much of Graves Park isn’t flat like Hillsborough which I assume would be a problem logistically for a festival set up?


    I’ve only driven past the Bowshaw car boot area so don’t know it well but have noticed it has been used for a funfair and circus I think before.  Somewhere like that on the edge of town might be a plan.  

    Large events do sometimes have to be moved if they outgrow their current one.  Years ago the Leeds Festival was at Temple Newsam park in Leeds.  It was moved to the larger Bramham Park which isn’t in Leeds and is almost as close to York.  It’s been there a long time though and it works.  Buses are laid on to take people to and the festival and it’s got good transport links being close to the A1(M).  I think some people though are extremely reluctant to think outside the box when it come to venues for Tramlines.

    Do 30,000 people go to a funfair all at once? I doubt it. Is the land privately owned? Well served by public transport? Surrounded by the infrastructure that large vehicles need for bringing stages, toilets, barriers, food stalls? 


    What is the evidence that Tramlines has outgrown Hillsborough Park? I've been every year since it moved there, and the site is spacious and doesn't feel overcrowded by the festival 'infrastructure' (stages, toilets, food areas, bars etc). 

    • Like 1
  2. The Business and Trade Committee have been looking in to the collapse of the company.


    Key points of the committee meeting are being covered by the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2023/nov/28/wilko-collapse-rescue-deal-mps-doug-putnam-lisa-wilkinson-gmb-business-live?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-6565e45d8f08e51ddd4b27c9#block-6565e45d8f08e51ddd4b27c9. This is a live update, and the link might not work at a later date. 



  3. On 06/10/2023 at 20:43, Hans-solo said:

    I've been asked to give loads of soft dog toys away 2 bin bags all as new some cost over a tenner I'd rather they go to a charity rather than people who just sell them on for themselves anyone know best place to take them I don't mind charity shop selling them just private takers who do that which annoys me cheers in advanced must be in sheffield if possible

    I've donated toys to Helping Yorkshire Poundies before. They are on Facebook. The kennel is in Brinsworth. Or the RSPCA Shelter at Attercliffe. 

  4. 4 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

    I am only suggesting one gender are more likely to APPLY for certain jobs than others, hardly a groundbreaking revelation now is it? 


    We have a few cleaners at our office, none of them are male. And all the caretakers I am aware of are...male. I know this is a small sample size.

    I would guess that a care takers role is more full-time/longer hours.


    Whereas a cleaning job can be more flexible, with potentially shorter hours. This would enable this job to be fitted in around other responsibilities, such as child care or caring for other family members. 


  5. On 12/09/2023 at 02:01, Anna B said:

    'Show people' (ie people involved in the fairground business) are not travellers,  and would be most upset to be called or classed as such. They are hardworking and resourceful people whose businesses moves about the country during the summer season but needs winter quarters where they can settle during the quiet winter months. 

    We have a very nice well, maintained area here in Chapeltown where they stay sometimes. 


    I used to teach the children who enrolled in school when they were in camp. They were delightful; very polite and well behaved and a credit to their parents. They were also bright (brilliant at mental arithmetic and geography!) and funny, with more life experience than most children their age. They didn't always have an easy time of it with the other kids, so tended to stick together and look after each other -  they were tough and didn't take any nonsense. But when they'd integrated into the class they were popular and had a lot to offer.  



    Yes, the site in Chapeltown is very quiet and is not noticeable at all. The only time I notice it when I hear the dogs barking when I walk in the park. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 14/09/2023 at 07:32, deejayone said:

    Just a heads-up for anyone who walks through Wyming Brook nature reserve near Rivelin/Redmires.


    Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust has been forced to close it for a few months to remove a large number of diseased trees (phytophora ramorum for those interested — it’s been spreading across the UK like crazy the last few years and is currently ravaging lots of Sheffield woodlands).

    Likely won’t be open again until after Christmas now.


    This follows several recent periods where the Wyming Brook Drive and car park had to be closed to allow for Yorkshire Water to remove similarly diseased trees from around the Rivelin Dams.


    More information here: https://www.wildsheffield.com/wyming-brook-works/


    luckily we have an abundance of amazing alternatives to visit in the area such as Lodge Moore plantation/fields, the lower Redmires reservoir, Rivelin Valley and Fox Hagg to name a few.

    Thanks for this. I was thinking of heading over there this weekend for a walk. 

    • Like 1
  7. 23 hours ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

    Every 5 minutes or so, numerous different Helicopters are passing over Walkley. With their safety records not being that clever, I've never wanted even one to fly over my house. This morning (Sunday) there are far too many. Anyone know what's happening?

    How many helicopter crashes have there been in the UK in the last year?  I don't remember hearing about any. 

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

    I am starting to see growing concern about the blocking of pavements with these electric car charging cables. The more these electric cars come about, the more chance of it ruffling feathers with disability activists. I can envisage stronger legislation over the coming years to protect pavements from any obstruction, be it cars or charging cables. The debate is starting to open up. 

    Yes, the debate is probably 'opening up', in the comments pages of the Daily Mail/Express. 


    In reality, a good dose of common sense is needed by all. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Lionel Richtea said:

    Nothing a bit of highly leverage speculation on commercial property by inexperienced politicians can't fix.

    Have SCC done that? Some of the Tory Councils (Thurrock) have. 


    Central Government have long pushed for Council's to sell off capital assets (houses and other buildings for example), however, once this asset has gone, it's gone.

    19 hours ago, Jim Hardie said:

    Not sure if you’re serious, but a drop in the bucket compared to the real drain.


    Tongue firmly in cheek with my comment. 

    On 21/08/2023 at 13:15, Irene Swaine said:

    They need to get fining those parking on the pavement and on bicycle lanes. That will bring in some revenue. 

    The amount raised from bus lane fines last year was a drop in the ocean: https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/politics/council/sheffield-bus-lanes-city-council-raked-ps2m-bus-lane-fines-last-year-ps5000-day-4224461

  10. 12 minutes ago, Anna B said:

    And have borrowed more money than Labour ever did, but in this case it's been largely used to benefit the rich and increase their wealth.

    TBH (I do not like being a Tory apologist..)., I don't know if the COVID related borrowing equals the amount which Gordon Brown had to find after the banking crash in 2008, but it might not be far different. 


    Notwithstanding the poor management of the economy, Brexit, COVID and the Ukraine war, Central Government since 2010, have cut disproportionately more from Local government than from other public services. 

  11. This is the full article which The Star is quoting from:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66428191


    10 minutes ago, Resident said:

    Maybe if the previous government hadn't consistently borrowed from the magic money tree then it wouldn't have been necessary?

    Maybe if the previous government hadn't sold off our gold reserves when prices were rock bottom? 

    Maybe if the previous government hadn't used public money to bail out private banks and then only gain losses instead of profit or breaking even on the ROI. 

    Maybe if the previous government hadn't taken us into an unjustified and unaffordable war ?

    But yeah, Tories are to blame. 

    Maybe people should start taking off those red rose tinted glasses....

    Unfortunately, the Tories are to blame as they have been in charge since 2010. 

  12. 21 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

    Hello this is 999… which pronoun do you require? Emergency operators are warned to ask callers how they want to be referred to rather than 'misgendering' them based on their voices


    Call-centre staff should also not use Sir or Madam, with one ambulance trust stating preferred pronouns should be sought even in emergencies so the experience is less stressful for trans patients.

    Others say birth sex is often irrelevant to care, so operators can use patients' self-identified gender.


    The policies can be revealed today in the second part of an investigation into the spread of contested gender ideology in the NHS. 


    As the Daily Mail reported last week, hospital trusts are letting patients who only occasionally identify as women into female-only wards. Maternity staff also refer to 'birthing people' rather than women and mothers




    If this is true then I'm not sure about you but in an emergency Pronouns would be the least of my worries 

    Your thoughts?

    It's interesting that the article only reports the feedback from the Ambulance Trusts that have this policy. Of the 9 English Ambulance Trusts, the article only quotes from responses from 2 of them. I wonder if the DM asked private providers the same question.


    Personally I think it's an appalling waste of money that the DM has requested this information. Presumably it used an FOI request to the trusts in questions. 


    In terms of the hospital trusts and use of female only wards, it's interesting that the article hasn't identified these wards or the source of this information. 


    The Policy Exchange is always relied upon to be 'outraged' about anything remotely progressive. 

  13. On 03/08/2023 at 10:07, Delbow said:

    Council-run schools still significantly out-performing academies and yet the government still wants schools to be academies and not council-run.


    If a government wanted the best for the country it is governing, why would they choose the less effective option for giving its future adults the skills and knowledge they need?


    Any suggestions?

    I think poster #2 mentioned ideology..  Similar to NHS & social care, these systems are equally fragmented.


    I assume that there is a contract between the provider (Education Trust) and the DfE. 


    Also, I suspect it's about centralised control. I don't know if the DofE specifies the curiculum which is used by these providers.  I know Miriam Cates has raised a number of issues about how sex education is taught in schools. 


    However, after listening to some of the 'Trojan Horse' podcast which was about the 'islamification' of schools in Birmingham, I don't know how effective the contract management of education providers is. 

  14. 10 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

    We use Frontline on both cats and both cats have managed to get fleas🙄

    What's the best treatment you've found to rid your kitty of those horrible little blighters?

    Frontline clearly isn't working for them so I need an alternative that will otherwise its a trip to the vet and I'm not looking forward to the 42 quid per cat prescription treatment?

    Thanks in advance 👍

    We had a similar experience with Frontline. I used it for a few years then it became less effective. Now we use Advantage, and various shops sell it online. 


    Getting rid of fleas in the house is a nightmare. I had an infestation a few years ago which took weeks to clear. I used the Indorex spray (pink tin, costs a fortune in Pets at Home), followed by a spray from the Green tin every couple of weeks. Blooming nightmare. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. 9 hours ago, top4718 said:

    Remember this comment from February, if you happen to be on Barkers Pool have at the sign in a window that's headed "A High St For The Future" has a sub heading "Creating a 15min City" and the following "Over the next three years Fargate & High St will be transformed. Using Future High Street Funding we will green the streets, repurpose obsolete buildings and create spaces for play and culture" 


    Looks like another "conspiracy theory" is about to come true and proves that Planner1 talks absolute nonsense (as most of us already knew).

    So, all of this is a bad thing? What is negative about any of this?

  16. 1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

    The air in this country has never been cleaner, that's just a fact.


    >>Every 'freedom' has a cost though.<<


    In "cost(s)" broadest sense you are undoubtedly correct, e.g. the fact people are allowed to have stairs in their houses maims thousands every year, in fact it actually kills over 500 every year. And the NHS (and the state) picks up the bill for that.


    Conversely, every regulation / ban / restriction also has a cost.


    But the default position in a free country should be peopel's freedoms.

    Is the air cleaner? Maybe some pollutants have diminished but others haven't. Why do places like London regularly exceed the limits for air pollution if the air is 'cleaner'? There may not be clouds of sulphur, from the steel works, over Attercliffe but the air quality at Tinsley is still dreadful due to the M1 corridor. 


    Personal freedom has to work alongside personal responsibility. We don't live in a bubble of no consequence. Despite what right wing libertarians would have us believe, we do live in a community. This means that other people are impacted by each other's actions. 

  17. 20 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

    The main problem is that recruiting for all parts of the NHS is not going well and lots of staff are leaving.

    Many of the public agree with the government that NHS pay is a "fair deal"  so,  someone is going to have to come up with answers eventually.

    I wonder why they don't have problems attracting MP's ?  


    In terms of the NHS, it's not only pay but wider T&C's. We've had 10 years of a lack of a workforce plan for the NHS, and underinvestment. The lack of investment in the NHS has caused private provision to massively increase. 


    Healthcare systems in other countries are far more attractive. 


    Personally, I would argue that the Tory party in particular has a huge problem in attracting MP's! 🤣

    12 minutes ago, crookesey said:

    I’ve known many police officers over the years and the description that suits them best IMHO is, ‘Jack Of All Trades Master Of None’. Most of their tasks can be completed without causing harm to anyone, however dealing with the mentally disturbed is something not to be taken lightly, hence the need for well qualified professionals.


    Yes, I would agree. Also, I believe, police officers can retire in their 50's, when they are relatively young, compared to other professions. I believe there has been an increase in the number of more experienced officers leaving the service over the last 10 years. this leaves younger, less experienced, officers dealing with difficult situations. 

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