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Everything posted by S35_2o21

  1. Which area of Sheffield do you live? Are you on Facebook? Your local Facebook forum might be the place to check. I can think of 4 who are based in my area, so there's a few about!
  2. If the rules aren't enforced the Council/Police/other random authority is accused of turning a blind eye!
  3. I believe there is a group that flies aeroplanes and possibly drones at Westwood Country Park in High Green. I have no idea how to contact them to find out the details- maybe the local Facebook forum would be a good start? I have seen them flying their planes, before COVID though.
  4. Victim blaming is all very well and good, and yes it is our responsibility as car drivers to make sure we are parking in a legal manner. However, as post #73 states that these car parks are not always very well managed with the cameras. Unforuntately, I blame the landowner who decides to manage the site in this way. I appreciate that it's a shoppers car park in a busy area and there should be controls on the parking, but it has to be managed in a fair manner.
  5. I agree. I am not sure why some businesses allow these companies to manage parking in this way. For that BHF shop, I don't know where else people making large donations could park conveniently. I think it probably causes more ill-feeling towards the businesses themselves. There's a car park near me who fines 'overstayers' but it's an organisation that relies on people parking in it's car park!
  6. I got a fine in that car park. I don't park there. I use the car park at Hillsborough Arena. I have to pay but at least I can plan the amount of time I need to be there for.
  7. Despite all of this, I am quite enjoying it! Umbrella Academy, S2, Netflix We watched 'Misfits' on All4 last year, and this has a similar feel but with a much much bigger budget. It's an enjoyable change from the tonnes of serious drama that is on at the moment.
  8. Exactly. The Head may have changed in that time. That's at least 2 'generations' of kids that have gone through the school. I did hear that OFSTED were going to be focussing on the schools which were 'coasting' on Outstanding, but that was before the pandemic began.
  9. Yes, it's such good news! We might finally understand more about the 'real' cost of living, as opposed to a figure which bears little relation to reality.
  10. From the programme, the implication seemed to be that Alistair Darling was going to do the 'short, sharp version' of the cuts, rather than the long-term option along with effective tax cuts which the Tories opted for. Just my understanding, and obviously it never happened..
  11. Tell me about it. I don't have kids so I am not particularly concerned about OFSTED from that perspective. However, I was talking about my nephew's future secondary school (he's 4). Apparently his potential catchment school is rated 'Outstanding', but in 2012! That's seems ridiculous to me.
  12. I believe schools are effectively commissioned by the Department of Education. With this in mind, I doubt any school fails any OFSTED inspection due to the progress of the kids in swimming.
  13. I watched it. It was interesting. I also watched the Blair-Brown documentary which was on last year. It's amazing how bad my memory is! In my mind there was already a link between 2008, the QE approach, and the impact on the wider economy, and the outcome of the Brexit referendum. What I found astonishing is Philip Laws and George Osbourne defending the approach of austerity and cuts to public services. Presumably this documentary was commissioned and filmed during the pandemic. The cuts in public services have undoubtably affected our approach and outcomes during this period.
  14. Have you rung Adult Social Care on 2734908?: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/social-care/getting-long-term-care-support. That is your first place to try. If you wait until your relative deteriorates further which leads to a hospital stay, the outcome could be much worse.
  15. Investors are interested in this market because it offers good returns. Lenders would have to see an robust business case, as with any request for funds. In terms of 'Anyone' opening a care home, there is a considerable process to follow which is set out by the regulator. For a care home (which offers accommodation and care), the building has to meet a certain standard as well as the policies and processes needs to be in place to meet people's needs safely. Care homes are complex to run, and good quality managers are hard to find.
  16. That would be partly determined by your budget I think, and what your requirements are (e.g. would you prefer to be close to pubs etc or a gym). I'm not aware of any particular areas which are to be avoided.
  17. It sounds a really complex situation. As the CCG are the Commissioners, and presumably have a contract with the Care Home, these issues need flagging up with them. Hopefully the meeting will be rescheduled soon, and the CCG can work with your friend and other advocates on this. I know this doesn't help your friend but I think there is a lack of suitable care homes that can support people with complex needs. That means that there is a lack of choice and other options.
  18. I'd recommend Chapeltown, just like poster #3. Close to the motorway for hoping to Barnsley by car. It has got bus links to Barnsley. Trains to Sheffield, Barnsley. Good amenities, the ASDA, other shops. Good pubs & takeaways. If you do settle there's a good choice of housing to consider. The park and neighbouring areas are good for walking and outdoor stuff. There's a few options for gyms and exercising. Good access and close to M'hell and Fox Valley for shopping malls.
  19. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are the regulator for care homes and hospitals. Contact details are: https://www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us. The CQC will take calls from members of the public, so you could ring them but it may be better if your friend contacts them. Your friend could try the Adult Social Care Safeguarding (Google will have the phone number) team for the Local Authority where the home is- that could at least mean that this could be looked at. Particularly if there has been a recent decline. Maybe try the local GP surgery or which ever GP supports the care home (she might have to ring around neighbouring practices). Some care providers have been extremely cautious about visitors during COVID. Has the care home asked visitors to be have an LFT, or proof of a recent, negative PCR. This could be something your friend could offer. Could she offer a window visit, or has the home got provision to do a garden visit (not ideal due to the weather)? As #3 has commented, relatives have got in to serious trouble by removing people from care homes. Does your friend have LPA for her partner?
  20. Have you tried to set up the online account for the Council tax. My OH set an account up. It might enable you to change the address?
  21. There's multiple issues here- solicitors ask for proof of identify. The bank would have asked for proof of identify to open the account. An awful lot more complex than car stealing.
  22. Not quite sure what the link is between corruption and knowing where elected representatives live. Miriam Cates has recently been quoted as deciding to not disclose her address as she is worried for the safety of her family. This is a sad indictment of our society. Political parties often nominate candidates who don't live in an area. As one of the roles of an elected representative is to advocate on behalf of their constituent, surely it's more important to know where the constituency office is, how often the surgeries are, and how well they deal with matters raised by their constituent (some of this work is carried out by case workers). MP's and Councillors will contact organisations on behalf of their constituents, to try and resolve issues. Following the tragedy of David Ames murder, I hope local elected representatives are able to continue to hold surgeries. The work of representatives is crucial to people who need that support.
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