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Stannington Lad

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  1. Dunno, but saw a bloke going shopping in the local Co-Op in NHS jammies
  2. UFO and Space 1999. I also like Joe 90, but that was only because we had a chemistry teacher that looked like him
  3. There's only that one I know of at Manor Top, There's one at Richmond, There's one at Townend, one at Manor Park Centre and there used to be one at Handsworth
  4. Dunno, but I love watching the cooking channel (Freeview 43) on the run-in to Christmas. Some of those American cooks are a bit weird though.
  5. Dunno, I got two lambs steaks for £5.50 I think which I didn't think was too bad considering the price of other meats. I chopped them up and made a great Irish Stew
  6. Although it may not be buses the scenario is basically same. Opinion at
  7. So did I. A lot of people do actually look like the Chuckle Brothers - sticky out ears, low wrinkled brow and hairline. Must be a very small gene pool
  8. I don't know about anyone else but I always look much deeper than something seems at face value
  9. Been watch Tyler for about a year or so, quite interesting. Always good to get an outsider's opinion of Sheffield
  10. It's hard to say really, I've had good and bad food at the same restaurant when it's been the same dish as previously. For me it all depends on the chef, if you know they're working and what their specialty is. The mood of the chef, the quality of the ingredients and time at the burner matter too. I've been enjoying food and said to friends, try a bit of this and they didn't like it . Other factors include the actual restaurant decor and whether customers feel pressured to leave, especially if the restaurant is busy. Stuff like like
  11. I moved out of the area 12 years ago, never looked back. It was actually decent around there when I put down roots there some 33 years ago
  12. The announcement on the tram usually says Carbrook for Ikea. Best of luck getting out of Ikea, don't forget the packing-up 😂
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