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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Indeed. It gets you a pass into No 10 for starters. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/aug/25/labour-donor-quits-treasury-role-amid-cronyism-claims
  2. To be fair, it seems like the ones who are constantly moaning are trans folk.
  3. I don't think it's necessarily their time but their know how what you are paying for.
  4. I am probably one of the few folks that has never watched Star Trek, along with Harry Potter and Game of Thrones.
  5. They have the option of taking out some of the equity they have in their houses though, granted it will be high percentage but the option is there if required.
  6. "It's a costly job to stand as leader of the Conservative party, up to 400k" Would imply that's what's required to stand as a candidate, it's why I read the link because I didn't think that was true.
  7. My Achilles heel is chocolate but apparently dark chocolate is the best heath wise!!! That's what makes me feel less guilty. It's the pop and sweets that are the problem but fortunately I've rarely had either, even as a kid I hated pop and sweets.
  8. A rather misleading post is that, implying that you personally need 400 thousand to enter the race which is not the case at all. But any chance to have a veiled dig eh? Ones ability to raise funds is paramount to becoming a party leader, that's all it is.
  9. We all know what's good and what is bad for us, just using your common sense would be a start. I do obviously understand that not everyone has this particular trait but for those that don't here's some free advice. Try and consume as little sugar as possible.
  10. Why would they ask a question of people who don't speak English? How silly.
  11. For benefits and for getting on planes and other modes of transport before everyone else.
  12. Clown world. I mean, imagine even arguing about protecting women only spaces.
  13. I will be in Eastern Europe! The summer has been so hot it will take until November for my house to cool down!
  14. Not yet, usually make it until November, then the wood burner gets s cracked up. Can't wait, love winter.
  15. Sheffield born and bred but when I was a nipper I loved Keegan so supported Liverpool!
  16. So the Tories fault then? Hopefully now Labour will be in charge they will sort it out. Maybe folk I Norway are just less rough and don't keep repeat offending?
  17. Like warehouse work, probably why it's better paid.
  18. Like warehouse work, probably why it's better paid.
  19. But they are two different jobs!! If women get paid less in general then why don't employers just employ women?
  20. 630 grand for each cell!! Aye, ok....I would suggest they get more quotes in.
  21. I really don't understand why we can't build more prisons...I just don't get it.
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