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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Well said Anna. The internet bullies have well and truly show their faces on this thread.
  2. Two cows in a field. Cow one says to the other... " you heard about this mad cows disease, it's starting to worry me" Cow two. " doesn't bother me, I am a sheep "
  3. Ridiculously early. Earliest at best should be 1st December.
  4. You answer my questions I've asked twice now, then I will answer yours. Let's hope we see some protests about Hamas later today in London, show Hamas that the Muslim community doesn't stand with them. Free Palestine from Terrorists!! Be very very interesting to see how many banners we see with anti Hamas wording, very interesting.
  5. Hopefully tomorrow on the protests there will be " Free Palestine from Hamas" flags and banners. I mean, that's what they want....right? Let's see.
  6. Orgy is on the front line as he apparently knows that Palestinians don't agree with what Hamas are doing. I just don't know how he finds the time to ask them all and still have free space in his day to argue on here! I was wondering why he states he cares so deeply about folk he has never met or even ever heard of but it's now plainly obviously, because he is on personal terms with them, hence knowing what they think. And there was me thinking he was just waffling some virtue signalling gobbledygook.
  7. There it is. What we knew all along. Mask well and truly slipped there.
  8. Not all Westerners invade counties but it doesn't stop Muslim extremists from blowing us to bits. Desperate argument. Hamas are Palestinians, end of. As regrettable as it is, war sees innocent people die.
  9. I can't recall Ukraine attacking Russia, slaughtering 1400 innocent folk and taking many hostages though, unless I missed something? Any information yet on any Jewish folk smashing up and defacing Muslim businesses or threatening Muslim folk across Europe? Any protests denouncing Hamas?
  10. Let me guess... *C0ck Alley in Chesterfield?
  11. Maybe I should start a " what's happening in Goth land today" to weed him out!
  12. Bingo. This will become the norm. Business will be too scared to do/say anything negative about the latest trend/protest for fear of a bomb/vandalism. Thank goodness certain governments have the balls not to cower to these parasites.
  13. Well yes, but the principal is the same. Innocent folk are being punished because of someone else, yet no one cared about the Russian folk. Just pointing it out. 👍
  14. Yeah was thinking that, he is usually my opponent on this thread.
  15. Another thing I keep reading is the outrage about Palestinians not being Hamas, therefore why are they suffering? I am trying to research the same outrage about Russian athletes, professional Russian and Belarus sportsmen and women being prevented from earning a living because of the actions of their leaders. Can't find any outrage about that. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  16. Well, in Finland they thought that might work against immigrants who were sexually assaulting women thinking it was ok. Once they realised it was not working, this was their next attempt. 🙄🙄
  17. I keep reading about this nonsense excuse. Thank goodness certain governments around the world don't think like this and have the balls to try and rid the world from these monsters rather than being held to some kind of blackmail because it will create more suicide bombers. I've got news for you. The world has been living in fear of suicide bombers who want to blow us to bits for over 20 years now. I highly doubt we shall be made to wait even longer at airport/concert/ security than we already do because of these ********.
  18. As well as ( in my opinion ) of it being a mainly religious issue as with everything, it's becoming a right v left issue. I've no doubt most of the Jewish who are against Netanyahu will be left wing. I think for many in this debate, they view Israel (Jews) as western, white and affluent / privileged. They view Palestinians and wider region (Muslims) as non-western, non-white and not affluent; ergo oppressed, by the west. There's been some interesting points put forward about why people would focus on this issue, such as awareness, the UK governments role / ability to influence. I can see parts of that but don't think it explains the huge inconsistencies in approach. Certainly not for the organisers of the demos and many of the more engaged activists. I still think for them the perpetrator is more important than the victim.
  19. I will take that back. Brighton is lovely. 👍
  20. Of course it is. The land is a secondary issue.
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