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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12697291/pro-Palestine-vandals-smash-Starbucks-window-Yorkshire.html Any pro Israel supporters going around smashing up property? No? Anyone? It's almost as if most of these Pro Palestine protestors are just the usual suspects who go on any anti - government/capitalism march because it's seems to be in fashion. 🙄 Bet half of them wouldn't even know where Palestine is.
  2. I think they live with the possibility of barbaric attacks every second of every day. I've no doubt they foil many attacks.
  3. "Widely believed it wasn't a surprise attack and Netanyahu knew"!! Aye, at loon gatherings, certain social media sites and Diane Abbotts house maybe.
  4. He can't help himself. Probably ran out of people and clouds to argue with.
  5. Aye, that's what folk think of when using the term " Gammon" 😂
  6. I take comfort in the fact that deep down they know right from wrong, it's just unfortunate that they too cowardly to step out from their political narrative.
  7. Blind rage or just a bit peeved? Big difference to be fair.
  8. Wonder why? Same as the Yom Kippur thread It's obvious who the radical left are as they are so conspicuous by their general absence. Maybe it's because they don't want to be seen supporting folk who would completely disagree with their views, especially on issues like women and gay rights Must be a right head buster for them.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/oct/31/edward-colston-statue-protest-bristol-xahra-saleem-fundraiser Mental elf, apparently. 🤪🤪🤪
  10. Well obviously if that's actually him saying stuff like that then I would think he has some serious issues.
  11. He has no assets. Says he doesn't want a service or anything but will leave a few quid behind a bar so his friends and family can enjoy a pint. Found it all a bit sad to be honest.
  12. Glynn Morgan is probably Channers in disguise.
  13. I don't know what's more pathetic. Our chairman or the folk who are actually donating to a go fund me page to help out. 😂
  14. It wouldn't surprise you. But why blatantly lie? Owen Jones, another blatant liar. "Today, Phoebe would be a member of Extinction Rebellion; Rachel would be into fashion sustainability; Monica would have seven different recycling bins, not 11 types of towel" Aye, that would be a right laugh!! Zoe Williams!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
  15. My old man informed me last week he wants something called a paupers funeral. Cardboard coffin etc.
  16. I was wondering how long it would take for the liars at the Guardian to write a piece on how too white the comedy Friends was. Maybe folk liked it and dont get all outraged because it was Cosy and funny, like the Cosby Show or The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. For the record, it wasn't series 9 that a black character was first introduced. Maybe if they did some research rather than go in frothing with two feet to try and tarnish one of most loved shows of all time, they would find a black character appeared in... Series 1. Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 6 Series 7 and Series 8. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/30/why-do-so-many-people-still-love-friends-because-it-reminds-them-of-a-time-when-life-was-still-fun
  17. Then why has he not done it yet then? Israel must have some crappy bombs then because rather than obliterate Gaza which they could do in 24 hrs they are trying to strategically eliminate the terrorists. I believe they are even warning Palestinians to move to another area to try and avoid further casualties. Sorry, but that doesn't sound like an organisation who are hell bent on bombing as many civilians as possible now does it?
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