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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Give over matey. Don't mistake right wing for Nazism. And Poland have just outed a right wing government.
  2. Why are you so aggressive with people? At first you came across all cosy and reasoned but you are now showing your true colours of an angry individual with no time or paitence for others who don't confirm to your blinkered view. Go figure.
  3. Classic Guardian. Marriage is misogynisic!!! Bless. Hardly surprising that the Guardian are giving column inches to a vile individual who is on record of saying " all men must die" and " the Corona virus is not killing men quick enough! And she has had a baby.....a boy. 😂😂 https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/oct/31/marriage-is-an-inherently-misogynistic-institution-so-why-do-women-agree-to-it "Marriage is an unsalvageable lie, designed to keep women in service to patriarchy and away from realising our full potential. We should reject it entirely, and refuse on principle to willingly add our names to a list built primarily on the backs of women who had no choice, no rights and no freedom" 😂😂
  4. I think it's 99% to do with religion. Why were all those Muslims trying to attack Jewish airline passengers in Russia? What other reason apart from their religion could there have been for that unprovoked attack?
  5. Why not just say " lost the vote of people" why bring religion into it? The minority are always the loudest. 👍
  6. I put no one on ignore, not my thing but I will refuse to interact with certain people, you being one of them. I made this decision after you called me a terrorist. I find your postings insipid at best. You obviously have some issues as all you do is create arguments with everyone on here. I really dont know what you get out of it, maybe it's an insecurity issue, but i am no expert on such matters. Maybe it's your way of reaching out because you are lonely or unhappy?
  7. Jeremy was fast out of the blocks to show his disgust at Israel bombing that hospital and killing 500 though wasn't he. Has he come out and made any apology now that's it universally recognised as being a Hamas rocket malfunction?
  8. He just ruins threads with his constant insults. Like I said previously, I am guessing he isn't well.
  9. He thinks forum members are terrorists!! I don't think he is well.
  10. Why is Organ man so nasty to everyone, is he ok?
  11. Disgraceful. I hope the Muslim community call it out.
  12. My mum was anemic, had iron supplements a plenty! Still rough, just had some cornflakes so my appetite is ok. Just achy all over and lots of flem on my chest, Be reyt.
  13. I'm sure the lovely chaps in the russian airport are just concerned for the welfare of Palestinians and they're not really anti-Semitic. Israel and Palestine is a very complicated issue but in many ways it's not. Israel is under a constant state of attack from its neighbours but it's response is often horrific and change is needed. Hamas needs no words. That leaves the poor ordinary Palestinians as a victim of both and they deserve better. The starting point for that is that Hamas needs to go, however it's now more of an ideology than an organisation so no idea how that happens. I'm not sure that the rank hypocrisy of the left is helpful. People who couldn't give a damn about oppressed and ruined lives in Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, China et al are all of a sudden human rights champions for the Palestinians. Some of them are on this thread. It's wrong to say that everyone on these marches are racist and anti-Semitic. But many of them are and many are hypocrites. They are nowhere for other people in the region. And these marches show the problem we have with radical islam in this country. Values that are not aligned to our own and if they were the values of the Tory party or the BNP the left would rightly call them out. But on radical Islam the left is silent at best, justifying at worst.
  14. According to the artist, Phillip K. Smith III, “The circular, torus shape inspires a connected, round, corner-less form that provides space for the community and the individual across its surface. smooth continued, “The opening at the centre is at eye level and allows a view through – a connection, a sense of hope, a view beyond what is directly in front of you.” The only obvious take is that the artist Mr Smith is completely and utterly full of ****e, and like most artists, total oblivious to the real world, due to having their heads so far up their own backsides.
  15. Imagine the fear, absolutely shocking. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/29/mob-storms-dagestan-airport-in-search-of-jewish-passengers-from-israel
  16. Don't explain history didn't begin in 1948 otherwise you will confuse him. 👍
  17. It's called being an adult. A certain aging individual should take note. 👍
  18. Far from it, we may differ in views but you add a great deal to the forum, I enjoy your posts. That's a really nice offer. 👍 I rarely get back these days (maybe 3 times a year) and when I do, I used to go along with my dad who is a season ticket holder in the North. Unfortunately the POTG prices now put me off so the chances of seeing me down there are very remote. I ain't paying 40 quid to watch a championship game, I just can't justify it, a shame because I've gone with my dad for years dating back to 79. Going 1-1
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