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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Fair enough. You off to the match I see, hope they can actually muster a goal or two. I will be watching from my IPhone!!
  2. Oh no, a yougov poll, case closed then. 👍
  3. What's wrong with pointing out that the majority will be Muslim? I don't understand your point to be honest, unless I should be tip toeing around certain facts as to not offend the easily offended?
  4. You make it sound as if Muslims is a dirty word. Really odd.
  5. Why would that even enter your head? I am just stating a fact, would you disagree that most Muslims around the world are in support of Palestine rather than Israel? Those cities will have a large number of Muslims, so why would it be surprising to see lots of Muslims protesting, hence the large numbers?
  6. Started feeling rough yesterday afternoon, hardly slept and now aching all over with a sore throat. Every time I take a flight I get sick a few days later. Slammed some paracetamol down with a drop of brandy, lemon and honey. Day in bed. 😞
  7. They don't have a massive chip on their shoulder though and think the world owes them a living.
  8. Well of course. Could that be due to the fact that the aforementioned cities have had a massive influx of immigrants, thousands who will be Muslims. It's hardly surprising now is it.
  9. We have to score at some point. Torn between a 1-1 or 1-2. Going 1-1.
  10. Gutted about this. Friends is my favourite show, must have watched the box set about 10 times. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12684509/Friends-star-Matthew-Perry-died-aged-54-accidental-drowning-TMZ-reports.html
  11. I am happy to be proven wrong. I see free Palestine and Gaza flags but no hate for Hamas.
  12. English folk are mocked and discriminated because of our reputation of being loud mouthed boozers, and you know why....it's because it's true. 👍
  13. I must have missed all those protestors and flags denouncing Hamas. Maybe you can enlighten me?
  14. Would be great to see protests about Hamas. Why are there no worldwide protests about Hamas, I don't get it?
  15. Same as my previous answer. Frustrated, but understanding of the reasons why.
  16. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12682805/Protesters-chanting-river-sea-Palestine-free-march-central-London-demonstration-against-Israel-amid-calls-police-clampdown-anti-Jewish-chanting.html Any problems from the Jewish community? No? Didn't think so.
  17. It would be incredibly frustrating. I drive a UK registered vehicle mainly around Eastern Europe and I routinely get pulled over to have my documents checked. On more than one occasion the cops have been very harsh but I understand why they check because many ex pats or tourists have incorrect documents. My frustration is with them, not the cops.
  18. Are white folk in Liverpool predominantly more likely to be involved with certain crimes? If so then why not? If the cops are ordered to stop and search because there is an epidemic of a certain crime then surely common sense would be to stop and search the folk who are the most likely to be committing them, no? I highly doubt the cops would be stopping crime in London by stopping and searching blue haired white pensioners would they. Join the club. He called me a terrorist the other day. Best ignored matey. 👍
  19. I half expected some kind of insult but I will leave that for now. So, as facts would suggest, the likely suicide bomber would be someone who is Muslim. So going on facts again.... Despite making up only 13% of London's total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London's knife murder victims, 61% of knife murder perpetrators and 53% of knife crime perpetrators. This might explain why more black folk get stopped and searched. It's ok silly sausages spouting it's because cops are racist, but that's just a lazy non factual statement to try and suit their argument, but I prefer to see facts. If someone told me a mass shooter was on the loose in America I would first off be looking out for a white man, it's not racist, it's just more likely to be true, going on facts. Good to debate, but try and leave out the personal stuff as it looks daft. 👍
  20. When or where has a white supremacist blown himself up killing folk? I am not trying to catch you out, it's just an honest question.
  21. No particular target, just random, say an airport, a concert, a place that is full of every single race, creed and colour.
  22. Bingo. Don't forget he might have liked an Elon Musk tweet at some point!!
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