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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Impossible to see anything other than an Arsenal win. A plucky 4-0 defeat for the blades.
  2. Why is that though? If someone told you that an individual had attacked and killed many with a suicide bomb who would you think the likely suspect was. 1, white pensioner ? 2, non white young man? Go on be honest, and then tell us why.
  3. If they lied about the car going through a red light and smelling marijuana then they deserve punishment. I think the biggest question though is why do the cops stop and search so many black folk looking for weapons? Could it be down to the fact that a large percentage of black folk do carry weapons, and surely the police are just trying to protect others from being victims of crimes? Despite making up only 13% of London's total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London's knife murder victims, 61% of knife murder perpetrators and 53% of knife crime perpetrators. Maybe that's why eh, just a thought. 🙄
  4. It's all bad news so I thought a bit of levity might be in order. Diane Abbott and Lenny Henry!! 😂😂😂😂 Diane Abbott!!!!!!! Brilliant. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/28/britain-postage-stamp-black-history-month
  5. To mainly Muslims, angry students and Guardian readers. Jewish people have been feeling hatred for years and are suffering again, are Muslims being assaulted throughout Europe like the Jews are? Do you agree with Muslims shouting " jihad" on the streets of the UK? Any thoughts on Muslims burning down stuff when it was incorrectly reported Israel had blown up a hospital? I will ask again... Why are the Muslim community not protesting against Hamas? Why are Palestinians not protesting about Hamas? Just to add, calling a fellow poster as bad as Hamas is doing you no favours at all, in fact it's making you seem a little....well, extreme. 👍
  6. Any response to my questions yesterday, and have their been any reports of Jewish folk tearing down pictures, burning Embassy's, vandalizing mosques, assaulting Muslims, etc? Any protests yet from the Muslim community about Hamas? Do you believe the Hamas spokesman?
  7. Indeed. 1000 BC I believe, when it was made the capital of the Jewish kingdom, apparently. 👍
  8. Best ignored mate. Nothing but insults and foaming.
  9. I don't wear a mask, I don't pretend to be anything I am not I am shocked a major Turkish newspaper owned by the Presidents friend and the Guardian are being negative about Israel, absolutely shocked. 🙄 Why didn't you answer my questions, too painful for you?
  10. Don't make the silly mistake of confusing Far right for right wing. I understand it's the narrative of the left to try and brainwash the naive into thinking they are the same but hopefully you can see through that. 👍
  11. You are letting your pretend " if I come over all nice I will fool people" mask slip. Careful now. We see you. 👍 What's your thoughts on Muslims around the world assualting Jews and burning Israeli embassies due to them thinking they bombed a hospital? Or shouting " jihad ' on the streets of Britain? Where are all the Muslims protesting about Hamas? Also, if you think folk around the world are realising Israel is a terrorist state, then I suggest you take your head out the sand.
  12. Isuzu trooper 3.1 I spend lots of time in a rugged area and it's never let me down. Tough as old boots.
  13. I was just wondering why the Guardian and it's lefty ilk had stopped it's gargantuan circle jerk. Makes sense now.
  14. Really. Wow. I thought lefties like Corbyn were telling everyone it was Israel.
  15. Any more updates about Israel bombing that hospital with 500 killed? It's just that it seems to have gone awfully quiet on the left side... Maybe Corbyn knows more? Anyone know of any Jewish folk vandalizing mosques? Any protest banners saying " Hamas, not in my name, or anti-Hamas placards?
  16. He called forum members terrorists!! 😂😂 Probably at a protest march to support a majority of folk who treat women like second class citizens and hate homosexuals. Brain gymnastics at it's finest. ðŸĪŠðŸĪŠ
  17. Bingo. Let's call it a hunch. And one you know is bang on the money.
  18. Hilarious!! Their heads must be ready to explode not knowing who to support!!
  19. Both are overrated mate. 😉
  20. Either that or he is just another brainwashed angry sanctimonious lefty? He is probably still fuming at getting conned by BLM.
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