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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. So in a nutshell you are trying to justify terror attacks in the UK. Thankfully countries like the UK and America will not bow down and cower because of threats of mad men blowing folk up. The irony is hilarious!! 😂
  2. After listening to BBC radio five for the first time in ages today, I think I might concur with that. They had Steve Coogan on and it was basically an hour of bashing the right wing, calling them xenophobic racists. I didn't realise Coogan was such a prat to be fair.
  3. Just ignore him. I do and it's much better.
  4. Well, quite. Aye, I thought you might end up blaming the UK eventually, I would have put my bottom dollar on that. I've often thought this.
  5. Well if meeting with the Met regards to changing the laws regarding heavier punishments for folk screaming " jihad" then I would says the government are on the side of common sense.
  6. Very clever is our Dylan. It's almost as if they are an actor.. 🙄🙄 Completely fooling everyone and making millions from the gullible. Bit like BLM.
  7. Not all, but over half. Overall, 57% of Gazans express at least a somewhat positive opinion of Hamas—along with similar percentages of Palestinians in the West Bank (52%) and East Jerusalem (64%)—though Gazans who express this opinion of Hamas are fewer than the number of Gazans who have a positive view of Fatah (64%).
  8. So no attacks by Jews against Muslims then in Europe? Any news of mosques been vandalised?
  9. Where was that? I recall there being a sign like this at a hotel or something like that from years ago, not in Sheffield though. No skinheads on streets now, just feckless youths who want to stab and mug you. Can't remember skinheads going around stabbing folk.
  10. Truly bizarre. Imagine supporting a bloke who was a career criminal and being in support of folk whom a large majority will treat women as second class citizens and want homosexuals to be punished. 🤪🤪 Since the war started. I've been synagogues damaged, Jewish businesses vandalized and hate crimes towards the Jewish community rise, but I was wondering if these same attacks were happening to Muslims.
  11. Has there been of any reports about attacks on Muslims or defacing of Muslim businesses or mosques anywhere throughout Europe?
  12. Tight game, I reckon 1-2 man Utd .
  13. The Brits love a bit of long COVID and mental elf.
  14. Well, I think we all know it didn't. Didn't it hit the car park? It's all gone a bit quiet regarding this hospital strike, I am guessing it wasn't Israel after all then? Still, it won't stop Muslims around the world baying for blood and slayings.
  15. How incredibly rough our cities have become and the complete lack of respect many British folk have for anything else apart from themselves. We have become a chav country, one of, if not the roughest in Europe. Litter. .
  16. And the personal insults begin, right on que. How incredibly boring and predictable. 😴😴
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