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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Jezza Corbyn seems to know who is at fault "Israeli air strikes have hit Al Ahli hospital in Gaza. More than 500 people - patients, doctors & those sheltering - have been killed. What unspeakable horror. We will mourn their loss forever. Our leaders could have spoken up for peace. They chose to cheer on war instead." No surprise the man who despises Israel couldn’t wait to jump in, but the hypocrite should probably remember what he said about the Salisbury poisonings, when the evidence was actually greater:- The Labour leader described the Salisbury attack as an "appalling act of violence", but urged the Government to ensure its response is "decisive, proportionate and based on clear evidence".
  2. Apart from your age and the medicine cabinet!!
  3. If true, that will upset a lot of people. Also, if true will there be apologies to Israel from all the countries that are burning down their embassies?
  4. Poor old Biden. Imagine being 80 and having to get on a flight to Israel right now. I struggle to get down me stairs in the morning!
  5. High crime rate, so would imagine easy to get an illegal weapon. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/07/20/molenbeek-brussels-neighborhood-paris-attacks-drug-trafficking/
  6. We shall see. Like I said, if they wanted to kill as many as possible they would have done it by now.
  7. If that was the case then why haven't they just raised it to the ground and wiped everyone out, which they are more than capable of doing? Or are you just spouting nonsense?
  8. Because they didn't have any left in Parsons Cross. 😉
  9. Jews maybe, because they have reasons to be upset....
  10. In a word, no. It's almost as if over 50% don't have a problem with a terrorist organisation in charge... according to recent polls in Palestine.
  11. Why are innocent Jews and Europeans getting attacked in Europe by non Hamas Muslims?
  12. It's stating facts, nothing imbalanced about it. "If I was a normal, law abiding Muslim now, I'd be seriously trying get the lads together and trying to get it publicly known that these extremists don't represent Muslims. I fear that normal harmless Muslims are gonna end up on the recieving end of something and it's going to spiral." Is that demonising a huge group? I don't think it is.
  13. RACISTS!!!!! Who had that by page 2? Look at the European countries that haven't allowed mass immigration from certain countries, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria , Romania etc little to no issue with Islamic extremism or terrorist attacks while the countries that have live with alert systems and thousands on constant surveillance. People can bury their heads in the sand all they want but we've created a massive problem that is only going to get worse. We've invited in our own destruction, Yet you still get people eulogising how wonderful uncontrolled mass migration is, when in reality they know the truth but are more worried about how they are perceived if they criticise it or called RACIST!!! Why aren't all these Muslim leaders around Europe coming out and calling out these attacks? Why are they not coming together to make a stand about all this with protests and speeches, I know they love a protest so why not about their brothers slaughtering folk around Europe? If I was a normal, law abiding Muslim now, I'd be seriously trying get the lads together and trying to get it publicly known that these extremists don't represent Muslims. I fear that normal harmless Muslims are gonna end up on the recieving end of something and it's going to spiral. Not a single jew has raised a finger to anyone in this country yet they are the ones who will increasingly have to keep looking over their shoulder, along with the rest of us.
  14. Impossible to know Cressida. But think of the culture and wonderful food they bring, and diversity is our strength or summat.
  15. Western Europe is going to see so many attacks in the coming years. I bet places like Hungary don't.....and yet they are slagged off for their stance on immigration! You couldn't make it up!
  16. Be like Belgium soon enough. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12637199/two-people-shot-dead-Brussels.html I am guessing the younger generation turned out in droves to vote.
  17. So they are not ruled by terrorists? Or vote them out.
  18. Well, it doesn't seem to be working regardless. I've no doubt that assaults on teachers, physically and verbally are up, so whatever is happening isn't working.
  19. What you on about? I am talking about security at schools, lockdown drills, metal detectors for weapons.
  20. I think the biggest question should be why is security needed more than say 20 -30 years ago? Are schools not as safe as before, and why not? Looks like this pampering and liberal modern attitude towards kids ain't working. Kids now seem to have the upper hand as they know they can't be disciplined. Say what you want about strict school headmasters getting the slipper out but it looks as though it worked doesn't it? I can't even imagine what crap teachers put up with these days.
  21. Money. It doesn't buy you happiness but it helps you look for it in a lot more places.
  22. As our population gets larger, so will the amount of criminals. It's not rocket science. I just don't understand why more prisons can't be built.
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