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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Indeed, and they get a free pass for wanting to get rid of immigrants on their land!! You couldn't make it up!! 🤪🤪🤪
  2. The absolute irony of a poster who calls other members terrorists yelling at others accusing them of making stuff up and lying!! It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. What a berk.
  3. I can deal with miserable and different views but not insults and plain rudeness. The bloke is nasty.
  4. I don't think there is anyone he doesn't argue and be rude to. He called me a terrorist the other day, that was the final straw for me with him. I refuse to interact with him anymore. I would never report anyone however, just rather the whole forum see rude posters for who they are. I believe he is not well so that might explain his persona?
  5. And things like this don't really help do they.... Corbyn's detractors point to his association with Paul Eisen, a Holocaust denier, his defense of Reverend Stephen Sizer, who shared materials online linking Jews to the 9/11 attack, and welcoming visitor Sheikh Raed Salah to Parliament, who has allegedly used the blood libel -- the false accusation that Jews have murdered Christian children to use their blood in rituals. Wasn't there around 25 cases of anti-Semitic incidents within the labour party during his time as leader? With respect, one could hardly be accused of being off the mark when it comes to Corbyn and his dislike of Israel and Jews, that's not to mention his ridiculous faux pas about Hamas and Hezbollah.
  6. It was a good debate this morning with all different views, then as usual the main protagonist on this board just comes in and starts his insults aided by melodramatic hyperbole. I'm out of it for a while. It's all they have. Childish insults. No doubt there will have been radical left wing feminists out supporting rapists yesterday. The hypocrisy is outstanding.
  7. Ah, and here come the insults and hyperbole from the usual suspects. So predictable.
  8. Just speaks common sense and does so with calm and intelligence. It's why some folk don't like him.
  9. I might be wrong but they seem the kind of folk who just go about their business in a peaceful manner and haven't been brainwashed by religion and riddled with hate because they are complete failures in life? Sheffield has so many immigrants from China and South East Asia, do they ever cause any issues?
  10. If only Hamas had of given the Israeli folk 24 hrs notice or dropped leaflets explaining what's going to happen.
  11. Indeed. You mean like many Muslims blowing innocent victims up because the victims leader invaded the murderers home land?
  12. I'm appalled by the atrocities committed by Hamas and I understand the reaction by Israel, however it's one of anger, hot headedness and revenge and not one that will work. Interesting read.... https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/polls-show-majority-gazans-were-against-breaking-ceasefire-hamas-and-hezbollah.. Half of Gazans (50%) agreed with the following proposal: “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders. That means 50% don't want to stop until Israel is destroyed. 75% support a group called Palestinian Islamic Jihad who sound worse than Hamas. Israel knows at this stage a new recognised state would just become a terrorist state on their doorstep free to import arms and militants as they please. It's never going to end is it? The only way Israel is ever going to see peace and quiet is if the Jews go and live somewhere else. Thankfully the majority of the world is more tolerant with immigrants.
  13. In a perfect world yes that would be great, however it could take months/years to weed them out and I've no doubt that operation has been ongoing for ages, obviously with little success. Like I say, it's an absolute mess.
  14. What would you suggest they do? At least the Israelis ain't going in and targeting innocent families like Hamas did. Haven't Israel given warnings to evacuate certain areas? Hamas will have hostages and civilians shielding them. It's just an absolute mess.
  15. Just a reminder. History didn't start in 1948. 👍
  16. How come Palestine get a free pass when they decide who they want on their land? Good job the rest of the world don't have the same racist attitude.
  17. Well that's the whole problem. Depends on who you believe, historically you would have to say Israel's but more recent Palestine. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12630283/Hamas-arrested-Met-Police-pro-Palestinian-protesters-London-officers.html You would think that the protests would be about getting rid of Hamas, but no. 🙄
  18. Apparently history only started in the late 40s. Exactly. Do people think that if thousands of Muslims or Arabs were given that land after WW2 there would have been such carnage? Of course not, it's just plain hatred of Jews.
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