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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Jews have had historical and religious connections to the Land of Israel for thousands of years, which would probably explain why they thought it was an appropriate place for the Jews around Europe to settle after WW2. Seems sensible to me.
  2. " Get off their land" " Get out of Palestine" " They should not be in Palestine! Crickey, the racism is off the scale. Imagine the UK or America saying something like that towards Muslims!!!! The outrage would be horrific. Still, racism is ok when it suits eh?
  3. Indeed. It's weird how the left are banging on about Israel moving into Palestine territory, so that would make them immigrants then? I thought the left didn't have a problem with immigrants? Only when it suits I guess.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/14/tens-of-thousands-rally-around-the-world-in-support-of-israel-and-palestinians I think the Guardian have made their bias quite clear. They have no issue stating that 200 turned up in Washington to support Israel, then in the next breath mention tens of thousands protested in Iraq....... but fail to mention the protesters in Bulgaria consisted of about 24 immigrants and a manky jack Russell in support of Palestine. Why do they call the support of Israel rallies, but support of Palestine protests? The Guardian also managed to get in the snide remark that it's the USA and the EU that has labelled Hamas as terrorists as if it some kind of incorrection!! It's also quite clear that Muslims will support Palestine regardless of the atrocious acts commited by Palestinians. But we all know that anyway, they will all come together and show solidarity as seen by the masses on the streets throughout the world. They are blinkered by their fanatical support of their religion. "In Turkey, crowds gathered outside mosques chanting against Israel and saluting Hamas. In the south-eastern city of Diyarbakir, 46-year-old business owner Mikail Bakan said: β€œAll the Muslim world needs to be one against Israel.” And there we have it summed up. Incredibly dangerous times, especially for the Western world.
  5. πŸ˜€ I don't think they could have afforded it, think it was about 15 quid for fish chips and mushy peas!!
  6. Don't mention seagulls to me Cressida, one of em dive bombed me in Scarborough whilst I was crossing the main road carrying me fish and chips!! Dropped the lot, then about 30 of the buggers launched an attack. My mates have never let me forget it!
  7. Barnsley is apparently planning to send a carrier pigeon. πŸ˜‰
  8. Never heard of him but he has worked under some good managers so fingers crossed!! He looks younger than half our squad.
  9. It's quite telling that that Western Europe and especially the USA is on alert for disturbance from Palestinian supporters today. Already there has been numerous attacks on Jewish run businesses and disorder. No attacks as yet from supporters of Israel or from the Jewish community. Says it all really. You can't blame them to be fair. They don't want any attacks or bomb threats.
  10. I wouldn't feel unsafe, especially during the day. I don't think I would be happy with my partner walking around the city centre at night though.
  11. Indeed. The true colours of many on the left has definitely been on show this week.
  12. The UK in 2023. I despair. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12625075/Shocking-moment-woman-says-Palestine-tears-posters-children-kidnapped-Hamas-terrorists-woman-filmed-encounter-says-Jewish-people-Britain-scared-forced-hide-religion-public.html
  13. Wind your neck in, it was a simple harmless quip, don't be so melodramatic.
  14. Why is it more likely to kick off in London, Birmingham or Manchester?
  15. Ah yes, showing your hard left hand after all. πŸ‘ What do you suggest Israel realistically do?
  16. Excellent post. Folk will say you are being melodramatic or racist, but what you say is so true. The UK and Western Europe has sleep walked into the inevitable. I dread to think what flag Sheffield city council will be flying in 20-30 years time.
  17. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12621915/khaled-meshaal-hamas-friday-13th-day-jihad.html And there will be, especially in the UK, we have sleep walked into this.
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