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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. This Patrick Vallace? In September, it emerged that Vallance owns a deferred bonus of 43,111 shares worth £600,000 in GlaxoSmithKline, a company which was working on developing a COVID vaccine. This led to claims of a potential conflict of interest, as Vallance could be seen to have a financial interest in pushing for a vaccine-based response to the pandemic whether or not this is objectively the best approach. The Labour bloke?
  2. Enjoyed that, thanks for posting. I love Sheffield and even though I haven't lived there full-time for about 25 years mainly through work commitments and me falling in love with the wrong women.....it will always be my home.
  3. Well my Mum, Dad, and brother certainly saw a few.
  4. Remember going to the Isle of Mull when I was a child and for the whole week my parents and older brother had me thinking a Haggis was wild beast. They kept saying " look, over there" and I would be trying to spot it for hours on end!! I suppose it kept me quiet as it rained the whole week. Hated Haggis ever since.
  5. Thanks. Mel obviously has a problem with me and now he is making things up to suit his agenda. Pathetic.
  6. Sorry, are you suggesting I've made a nasty misogynistic remark to Cressida? Care to back that up tough guy?
  7. Morning Cressida. Can you point to these particular posts, maybe the posters in question need educating or kindly telling it's a misogynistic post?
  8. What a thoroughly unpredictable rotten performance. Sunderland from minute one snapped at us, pressed us hard and quick and we basically gave up. Really surprised we capitulated like that.
  9. He sounds very tasty, especially with some horseradish.
  10. And no one has said otherwise, no one. Anyway I am leaving this thread as I feel it's starting to get a bit confrontational on purpose.
  11. What codswallop. No one is saying Misogyny isn't a problem, that's your default self righteous paranoia coming out.
  12. And does your brain even begin to understand that maybe, just maybe men are far, far more reluctant to report misandry, assaults and abuse from women because of their stupid pride?
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