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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Too scared of a backlash. The F.A know that the Jewish community will not cause disturbance, smash up Muslim buildings and threaten terrorist attacks if the Israeli flag is not lit up. They have taken the easy way out.
  2. Same as Mister Gee, although MG is more snide, although at times does it with humour, rather than nastyness like OG. The hard lefties on this forum are very conspicuous by their absence on this thread.....I wonder why?
  3. "The FA is unlikely to light the Wembley arch with the colours of the Israel flag in a show of support before England v Australia 'due to fears of a backlash' The religion of peace. 😂😂 What a surprise. Fear of reprisals, mob rule wins, and this is just the start....the threat of disturbance or terrorist attacks will see them get what they want. I don't see any threats of disturbance from the Jewish community though. No surprise there either.
  4. Just build more prisons. It's not rocket science is it. Or charge prisoners by the day to stay there, I bet that would make criminals think twice knowing they were charged to stay in prison!! 2 quid a day, 3 quid including breakfast.
  5. Indeed. Everyone through social media and the news is being brainwashed to fear everything and everyone.
  6. OG is nothing more than a miserable old man that just throws out personal insults because he has nothing else. Apparently I am a racist misogynisic terrorist now. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt and have even lauded him and interacted giving him kudos about his musical talents. Not anymore, he is a nasty individual who takes pleasure in trying to create animosity with other forum members from behind the safety of his keyboard, a coward. The man's a cretin and another one who I now refuse to interact with.
  7. So should you for calling forum members terrorists. Cretin.
  8. They would be slaughtered by the folk they claim to support. They just don't get it do they. Idiots.
  9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12617059/BLMs-Chicago-chapter-backs-Palestine-using-image-PARAGLIDER-like-Hamas-terrorist-flew-peace-rave-massacred-200.html Is anyone surprised?
  10. Ah, more self gratification. Imagine the insecurity that they need to show others how much they apparently care. Disagree. On the outside maybe, but deep down most will, imo. Bingo.
  11. Depends where their political bias is. Unfortunately I only get CNN and their reporting is mainly on the victims in Gaza.
  12. Crikey, looks rough that. My mate landed at Luton last night around 9pm from Bulgaria. Not sure if his car was parked there!
  13. Shouting at the clouds and arguing with everything, whilst those around him just laugh at him. No surprise though. And yet Hamas would laugh at them all before slaughtering them. The UK, along with the rest of Western Europe will reap what it sows for being so weak whilst being laughed at. Luckily I will be no where near.
  14. I respectfully disagree Anna. I can't believe the naivety of folk, I really can't. Imagine if Palestine became fully independent and was given full self determination and unrestricted movement. Just imagine! What do you think the future might look like for Israel? Are you genuinely that blind to the ideological hatred that exists with Hamas and their supporters? Despite the recent massacre perpetrated by Hamas I'm struggling to find equivalent sentiment by Jews being expressed anywhere around the world. And people wonder whose supporters have a problem with humanity and ideology? Hamas is an Islamist terror organisation, it means they share the same view of groups like ISIS. This is nothing to do with liberation but about dominance.
  15. He has made it perfectly clear what he thinks, absolutely shameful.
  16. My days of interactions with you are over. Jog on I didn't realise that history and maps began in 1948.
  17. In my opinion, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference. They want to obliterate Jews, regardless. Brainwashed fanatics like Hamas want to kill everyone who doesn't follow their religion.
  18. 19 games played between them and not a single win!!! No one does failure like the Sheffield teams do they, the city is cursed.
  19. Hang on.. We actually have scouts? I was listening to an interview with the sporting director for Wolves and it was so interesting, he was explaining how they do their recruitment, look into the players background, would they fit into the culture at Wolves, their willingness to learn English etc etc.... Basically the complete opposite of what we seem to do. 😉
  20. Hamas don't want peace because it would make them irrelevant, and by using the land issue its a perfect cover up for their violence. They have most likely slaughtered people who would actually be on the side of the Palestinians ( the peace festival). It's got nothing to do with land. They don't want a prosperous, successful Gaza, because it would make them irrelevant and their supply of martyrs would dry up - the existence of lots of angry, ugly and lonely unemployed young men is their life blood The growing peace deals between Israel and Saudi are making them irrelevant That is why they launched this bloody disaster. To make themselves relevant again. Nothing more. I sincerely hope Israel wipes them out for the good of everyone.
  21. The incredibly sad but ironic thing is that the folk who were killed at the peace rave are most likely to have been supporters of Palestinians!! They don't care who they kill.
  22. Jog on, I wish to no further have any interaction with you, you pathetic man child.
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