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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Really? Let's see how many nutters on the side of Israel cause disturbance and attacks on Western soil eh? I am tired of all those Jewish terrorist attacks maiming and killing innocent folk in Europe. 🙄🙄
  2. You are becoming an embarrassment, and most of the forum seems to agree. Take a time out sunshine.
  3. Because unfortunately one side like to kidnap, murder and parade naked victims in the streets like barbarians.
  4. You really are a nasty and insipid individual. I've always given you the benefit of the doubt and responded to your posts with politeness and respect but you have completely nailed your colours to the mast during this thread. Every single post you make there is some sort of insult added, and then you compare a poster as no better than a terrorist. You are a cretin, and I will make no apologies for insulting you, you silly, nasty, miserable old man.
  5. Did he unfreeze funds to the tune of 6 billion to Iran as a sweetner?
  6. A source told CNN? I ended my interest right there. Another opinion..... In the interview, Raisi said that Iran would have “authority” over how the funds would be spent. “This money belongs to the Iranian people, the Iranian government, so the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide what to do with this money,” he said, according to an Iranian government translator. Asked if the money would be used for other purposes apart from humanitarian needs, Raisi said: “Humanitarian means whatever the Iranian people needs, so this money will be budgeted for those needs, and the needs of the Iranian people will be decided and determined by the Iranian government. Either way, Biden looks as weak as ditch water. ”
  7. I only just read he freed up to 6 billion to Iran for a hostage exchange!!!! But don't worry they have promised to use it for humanitarian needs. And just a few days later Hamas invade Israel. What a weak president.
  8. I know it will not happen, I never said it would!! I was just doing some outside the box " thinking"
  9. How would you know that? Or is that just a hunch?
  10. I don't think anyone is denying history or what has been done or not done but nothing will justify what happened to innocent tourists yesterday.. I will repeat..... I have a hunch that Israel could deliver the whole region to Hamas on a silver platter tied with a ribbon and hand over all power to them and these atrocities would continue and increase exponentially. I don't think the conduct of the IDF or Israel's foreign policy would make a blind bit of difference in terms of the ferocity and regularity of similar attacks.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Israeli–Palestinian_conflict Wikipedia, so it might come from a biased point of view.
  12. That happened to me a while back, I posted something in foreign letters! I made contact with the forum and it was instantly rectified.
  13. My apologies, I didn't realise you were talking about that girl who was killed. 👍
  14. First off, your pathetic, but predictable insults say more about you than myself. So you can't answer my question, fair enough, but we both know the answer don't we. In what way is parading an innocent tourist naked relieving their issues? The fact you are trying is justify that heinous act is quite starting and rather insightful of how your mind works. The presence of the ethnic groups in the Middle East and India/Pakistan predates the British Empire. Furthermore, Britain has not been in those regions for over 70 years. If it was due to us, it would have been solved when we left. Where have I said I don't want other people coming into the UK?
  15. Good grief. Why do the left always come out and try to justify innocent people getting murdered? Why do you have to take sides? How do you look at the defiled corpse of a young girl who was on holiday, being dragged through the streets of Palestine naked as some kind of trophy and see that as “defending/relieving itself”? I have a hunch that Israel could deliver the whole region to Hamas on a silver platter tied with a ribbon and hand over all power to them and these atrocities would continue and increase exponentially. I don't think the conduct of the IDF or Israel's foreign policy would make a blind bit of difference in terms of the ferocity and regularity of similar attacks. One question for you. Would you rather your wife and daughter ( if you have either) dress up in a nice outfit and go out for the night in.. A Tel Aviv.? B. Gaza?
  16. Going to get nasty is this. Seeing those poor civilians getting carted off by those savages is awful.
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