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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/06/biden-trump-border-wall-immigration-mexico Go on Joe, you know it makes sense!! No one shouting" racist" at Joe though.
  2. Crikey that's awful, poor bloke. 😞
  3. Think the blades will go close to a result today but go down 2-1
  4. Rather apt, as isn't the king the most revered piece?
  5. Well the population has increased about 5 million in the last 13 years ,so maybe that could be why more folk require food banks?
  6. Not bad for a man who couldn't trap cement. https://youtu.be/mgoiBNSs5D0?si=kV8gnUbyRks5PU3Q
  7. You see, now you are just being incredibly silly.
  8. Carlos or Warnock would be my bet.
  9. I don't get this. The bloke got you promotion just a few months ago and you sold your best players!!
  10. Absolutely. Have him in a heartbeat.
  11. Did they give a reason why? 😉
  12. Not everyone accepted the result.. https://youtube.com/shorts/V9joYJxT8AA?si=yMaFG5K4MrbthHZi
  13. So they are not fryers, but like a mini oven? I don't have oven in my house but during the winter I use my wood burning stove, however in the summer I either BBQ stuff or use my electric wok for cooking. So one of these air fryers, can you do a joint of pork in them, cook a stew or do a Sunday roast dinner in them?
  14. 😂 He is like that cuddly old dog that just barks at everyone in a suit and tie with a sun tan, but you can't help but have a soft spot for the little rascal.
  15. Bang on. Childish at best. I didn't want Brexit at all, but accepted the decision and fortunately I am grown up enough to not point score about such things.
  16. Irrelevant. Deary me. Come on OG, you are better than that.
  17. That's like Americans shouting " Trump is not my president" He was, whether you like it or not.
  18. Harvey has definitely bowled a few bouncers but OG is very apt at the spin.
  19. He is not ordering you to do anything, just pointing out facts. Don't get so angry about it. 👍
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