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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/oct/04/man-killed-by-dog-believed-to-be-xl-bully-near-sunderland Yet another one killed.
  2. Morning Mel. I am actually quite shocked that the article by the Guardian hasn't mentioned race or added it's usual smattering of misandry. Small steps indeed. I never read the express so unable to comment on their musings. 👍
  3. And what do you want the owls fans to do about it, because it's coming across as if you think it's the folk from Sheffield who are at fault for the complete mess?
  4. Woeful, we are so out of our depth in every department, chairman, manager and players. This squad would struggle in league two. If Chansiri don't sack the manager before Huddersfield then it's plainly obvious he is keeping him out of spite to the fans. Not a single one of our new signings is an improvement on what we had/have, not one. Let that sink in. What wonderful recruitment.
  5. I usually buy the cheapest brands, unless it's gravy or stuffing as it's usually awful. Once had Morrisons gravy on a roast dinner and it completely ruined it.
  6. I think he is!! A comfortable 2/3-0 for the baggies.
  7. Disagree. I would bang him up for 3-6 months, more of a deterrent and to show that behaviour like that will not be tolerated. Imagine if that had been seen by the thousands of Sunderland supporters in attendance at the time, there would have been a full scale riot. What he did wasn't just your regular foul chanting, it was borderline sick and incredibly offensive. I understand the " free speech, big brother" argument but each case should be dealt with on its individual merits and common sense.
  8. You don't quite get what forums are for do you? A little help.... forum "a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. "we hope these pages act as a forum for debate" 👍
  9. I wonder if the Guardian would be so promoting and sympathetic to a man if he had been guilty of such things as Katy Price? 🤪🤪 https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/oct/02/katie-price-on-survival-surgery-and-severe-ptsd-im-good-with-anaesthetic-i-like-being-put-to-sleep
  10. I can assure you, regardless of what you read, the many, many Bulgarians I know side with Russia. They all blame America. I was actually in Bulgaria at the very beginning of the invasion and their two main news stations didn't even have it as their main headline.
  11. The well off socialist left wingers will wake up when it starts affecting them personally though rather than just the regular folk on the streets. I am not a brexit supporter by any means matey, you have that completely wrong for a start! Never said it was Labours fault, just stating it wasn't just righties that voted to leave. 👍
  12. Neither of those statements negate my points. Expected better from you.
  13. "Simplistic and occasionally inaccurate information about migration is sometimes disseminated.". Or summat. But on the other hand it completely proves what lots, including Suella have been saying all along, that so many immigrants are spouting complete lies to gain acceptance into the UK. I am absolutely shocked to the core. 😮 So what's it to be, be angry about brexit but admit immigrants are telling porkies about being persecuted etc, or still have your head in the sand?
  14. I don't think Mick Lynch or the estimated 4 million Labour voters that voted to leave the EU were righties.
  15. Disgraceful if true. It just seems odd that such a clear picture has been taken from another stand. I find it rather disturbing that these two lads have been identified by national newspapers whilst the investigation is still on going and social media posts are outing their address and encouraging acts of violence. What an absolute car crash Sheffield Wednesday football club is though. Probably the only 2 times in our entire history we have made the news headlines and it's for horrible events. When will this curse end?
  16. But they have mental health issues Jack, so it will not be their fault. 🙄
  17. Yes, as much as it's obviously a joke, that's not necessary.
  18. It would be unfair of me to state that Mister Gee doesn't at times make rather witty comments but that is negated by his constant sniping, foul mouth and efforts to ridicule and be incredibly rude to other posters, especially at night. I really don't know what he gets out of it. Maybe there is a more underlying issue? He may disagree with other members opinions but to call folk pathetic, dim witted and deranged ( that's just in the past few hours) is just unnecessary and childlike. His sole aim seems to be to rude and snide, but it's easy to do that from behind a keyboard isn't it. His obsession with posters whereabouts is bizarre, why is that an issue for him.? Like I've said previously, he is the kid at school that nips others and runs off, the bloke that would get giddy at others misfortunes and the bloke that everyone mutters FFS, when he turns up at a party.
  19. Are you sure that was from last night as I seem to be seeing we actually have two men in the opponent's half?
  20. I thought there would have been more crowd unrest, quite shocked at how accepting they were. The manager is rather lucky that Chansiri is the main focus at present because otherwise he would be rightly getting absolute pelters. I've never seen a team look so lacking in fight.
  21. Watching that last night and the complete lack of fight from both players and fans had me actually thinking for the first time in over 40 years, whats the point of it all? We are like a prisoner on death row, the club is on its knees.
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