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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Watching that last night and the complete lack of fight from both players and fans had me actually thinking for the first time in over 40 years, whats the point of it all? We are like a prisoner on death row, the club is on its knees.
  2. At least he offers an opinion and contributes. All you do is have a drink and then come on here and makes snide remarks to other posters like a dribbling gonk with no life. Your reputation on here is one of a bitter and childish drunk. You offer absolutely zero to this site, absolutely nothing.
  3. I explained this yesterday. There was more family values and less one parent families. A large percentage of these parasites stabbing and killing each other will have no father figure or discipline.
  4. It's my opinion, it's what forums are for. Was it the name Brittany that you object to? Do you want me to change it to Shaz? You are just making stuff up, what's it all for?
  5. I will be glued to the box, luckily it's showing on Bulgarian t.v!! You got your black balloons ready?
  6. He was right about Sweden, like many many others. But, RACISTS!!!!!
  7. Big channers!! 😂😂 More entertaining off the field than on it!
  8. Still can't get my head around why someone would do that. Someone mentioned for a TikTok stunt, I really hope not.
  9. I wouldn't take too much notice of MG, to be fair no one really does but he is pure gold for the entertainment value. Tune in once the second pint has been slurped around 7.30 and sit back and enjoy, it's rather funny.
  10. Reducing women to meat!!! Oh the melodrama . This little ditto in the headline paragraph is the reason they want it taken off air... "and ratings are rising." Stomp stomp stomp, they don't think like me so something must be done!!! 😂 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/28/gb-news-women-populist-right-channel-ratings
  11. Oops, sorry I missed this pearler as I had rather an early night. Apologies if I upset you, as I know how fragile you can be. Remember, 2 paracetamol, and fresh air is good for a hangover. See you later son. Remember, 2 paracetamol and fresh air. 👍
  12. If the feral parasites were forced to join the police or do national service the human rights lawyers would be rubbing their hands, it's never going to happen. Places like Croydon will have police around, the yooof will see police, but they don't care. Law and order did work much better in the old days but that's when there were more families staying together and both parents were usually still around so more discipline was installed. I've said before and I will say it again, places in Central and Eastern Europe don't have these problems but then again they don't have to deal with numerous different cultures where life and morals are completely alien to mine and yours, and yet they are the bad guys apparently. This is just the beginning for the UK. It's reaping what it's sown.
  13. I must have missed what you suggest the government does to stop all these stabbings and murders, what was your suggestion? I am not being pedantic as we are on the same page with this but for the life of me, nothing what the government can do will stop this gang culture ripping apart communities in London.
  14. What would your suggestion be to the government to stop all the stabbings? Bear in mind that these parasites are obviously bothered about prison, what do you suggest?
  15. Oh my, we are in a impish mood tonight. You on a promise?
  16. Had a day off today, been sat on my arris for the most of it.
  17. I've had at least 10 Ukrainian cars pull up next to mine whilst out shopping in supermarkets and malls asking me for money this past week. The irony being that their cars are worth more than double and mine is not too shabby. They do love a blacked out shiney 4x4. They usually zoom off when I ask them if they can help me out for petrol money. This is not in Sheffield by the way, in Romania and Bulgaria.
  18. What, making conversation and putting forward opinions on a forum? What's wrong with that?
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