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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Calm down Greta. If as you say " I can't see anything being swept under the carpet" then why isn't the Guardian printing anything about it? It's got an old story about the guilty person denying the charges though. Strange that.
  2. In the city centre? Do you think a lone female would feel safe?
  3. But that's what you shout at others all the time dear man. So yeah, your comment is bang on. 👍
  4. Rugby. Tik tok. Running. Rock climbing. Cycling. South America. Africa. Ireland. DIY.
  5. So, no then. How do you know this story is not being swept under the carpet then? 👍
  6. The Guardian has main headlines about Trump's fraud accusations, can you find ANY story about the BLM criminal who was charged yesterday?
  7. Wondered where you were, was getting a little worried to be honest.
  8. You are missing the point completely. It's not upsetting at all, rather satisfying that what you knew all along has come to fruit. Many were warned it was a scam but we were shouted down as racists. Folks like me offer advice and wisdom, take heed my good man. 👍
  9. Bingo. But deep down everyone knows it. Funny watching the mental gymnastics of it all though.
  10. All good thanks, bit windy today mind. Who's arguing? Just putting my views across, just like everyone else on this forum. Nothing quite like a lazy day inside and perusing the internet whilst having a good old chin wag.
  11. On the contrary my good man. I spend lots of time in Central and Eastern Europe and my plan is to retire there. I am actually on the black sea coast at the moment. It's incredibly safe and a part of the world that still has common sense rather than doing stuff just to appease the shouty violent mob of leftie fascists. Its lovely to be able to walk around city centers after midnight and feel safe. 👍
  12. I am absolutely crestfallen at that revelation . I was rather hoping that an anonymous contrarian on the internet would really like me. Gutted.
  13. Maybe they got the idea from BLM? That organisation that steals from the very people it claims to want to help.
  14. There is bad parking and selfish parking. One deserves a keying, the other doesn't.
  15. I bet he doesn't receive 1% of the donations that BLM conned out of people.
  16. It will not surprise you then to know that Hungary doesn't have any riots, lootings and has a low crime rate. I bet Hungary will not have gangs of immigrants robbing football fans will it, or gangs of immigrants running drug cartels and carrying machetes in the street. How dare they not put up with that, those absolute rotters!!!! 🤪🤪
  17. Amazing isn't it. Same as when you point out racism and sexism at the Guardian, they attack the poster rather than the perpetrator. The lefties ( virtue signallers and self flagellation) are/is awfully quiet on this thread. It's almost as if they are too embarrassed to make a comment......unless it's either bashing the OP for posting the fraud story or derailing the thread to bash the government. Dread to think how much they got conned out of. AFM. All Fraud Matters.
  18. Found a bag full of brand new sun tan lotions in one last year, about 15 new bottles!!
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