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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. So, no then. Glad we cleared that up.
  2. Can you point out to me where Romanians have been rioting, looting and openly mugging football fans throughout Europe please?
  3. Nonsense. The UK is one of the most welcoming and diverse countries on the planet. We accept others folks religion and accept their cultures, and to say otherwise is just pure unadulterated claptrap.
  4. Or values. I see this mentioned quite a lot. Why are folk more accepting of Ukraine immigrants rather than those from Africa or the Middle East. Serious question.. Do you think Ukrainian immigrants have more in common, with fellow Europeans, would find it easier to integrate into society and not have an element of extremists? Do you you think Ukrainian immigrants on the whole have similar values to most other Europeans, ( don't hate homosexuals and treat women as second class citizens) rather than African and Middle Eastern immigrants? Does the UK have issues with immigrants from the Ukraine and Hong Kong because we never see any news about them sexually assaulting women, rioting and causing disturbances across Europe and selling drugs do we? I think you will find that the answers to those questions will help you realise why most folk are more welcoming some some immigrants rather than others, it's got nothing to do with what colour they are. 👍
  5. Newcastle seem to be stuttering a little compared to last season and the blades are being competitive in every game. Going for a low score draw 1-1
  6. Thought we looked ok until that daft foul for the pen, after that went in we resembled a Sunday pub team. The players don't want the manager, it's so blatantly clear. He has to go.
  7. I do have two dogs but they don't have the temperament to drag folk down and kill.
  8. It's like arguing with an 8 year old. Yes, we know all dogs bite but not all breeds of dog could drag you down and kill you. Why is that so difficult for people to comprehend. 🙄
  9. It wouldn't. This is just so typical of modern society, always folk wanting to put a spanner in the works to common sense proposals. But but but.
  10. It's called common sense. Are you a bully? What you blabbering on about? Aye, those chips will have really assisted those that have been killed and mauled.
  11. How are you going to weed out bad owners? Who is going to check or ask if they have a license? Do you honestly think the chav eliment of our society, the majority that would want one of these monsters is going to be put off from getting one because they have not a got a licence or have not attended a dog training course? The naivety is astonishing. Yes, I am sure most folk will be more than happy to approach a tracksuit wearing chav with a joint and neck tattoos and say " excuse me, why is your dog not wearing a muzzle" 🙄🙄🙄
  12. Of course it will solve the issue!! If Bullies are banned, eventually no one will have one.
  13. It might be, I can't see his arris from that angle!
  14. True. He might get to share it with the 5 Bulgarian spies being charged today.
  15. I think Rumble in the jungle was less painful than this.
  16. I am absolutely shocked to the core that a Bully dog owner would be dressed like that.
  17. What on earth are you blabbering on about? Rumble is relevant to this thread because it's in the news that they have refused the request by the government to pull Brand off their platform.
  18. What if you have children, and are some not granted leave under rules of immigration? ( human rights)
  19. I think they can seek refuge and start again.
  20. I've absolutely no idea what that means!!! So if I posted a picture of something now, you would be able to tell me when the picture was taken?
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