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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I am genuinely interested in to how anyone would find out a date on that picture.
  2. striker Gary Madine has been handed a suspended prison sentence after crashing his Range Rover in a bid to escape police. The 33-year-old was sentenced to six months, suspended for 18 months, with 250 hours of unpaid work and a 12-month driving ban, after appearing at Newcastle Crown Court. Madine crashed his Range Rover in his home town of Gateshead early on April 23 this year after being pursued by police. Madine sped down residential roads before smashing his car into a parked Ford Focus at 1.50am and fleeing the scene. Silly Billy.
  3. But you agree they get money and accommodation for free? And do they check free health check ups?
  4. So they do get to live in hotels and get an allowance? Dont they get free check ups when they arrive?
  5. Where is someone trying to change the direction of the thread?
  6. Sounds quality that. 👍
  7. Was this local or nationwide? Did you play in a band or a solo artist? Genuinely interested. 👍
  8. Oh, absolutely. I expect Rumble, whoever they are will now be a target.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/sep/21/video-platform-rumble-rejects-mps-call-to-demonetise-russell-brand Never heard of Rumble.
  10. Loved Crosby, what a voice.
  11. Or have them screaming in your ear when you are trying to enjoy your flight.
  12. And have a massive fence protecting them from criminals.
  13. It is true. Most Eastern European folk I know when asking me why I don't have children say " who will look after you in your old age" I just reply Mister Gee and Mister M and Mel. A bit like Glastonbury?
  14. The spelling is much better than I would have thought from the owners of these killers.
  15. Ive seen worse appointments. Get Warnock in for the season, he would keep us up, and I am being serious.
  16. I, along with 20 odd thousand concur. It's completely rudderless and baffling.
  17. It would be bankrupt within months. They would most likely build new Amazon offices with rainbow coloured containers on some swamp land.
  18. Let's have a pop at someone's who company employs over 1.5 million people. 🤪
  19. Those damn Poodles attacking folk again, on Handsworth Road this time!! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12538145/man-dragged-road-fight-attacking-dog.html
  20. Morning Cressida. Look, absolutely no one is saying what Brand has done ( if guilty) is right and he deserves everything coming if he has done those awful things, however, others and myself included are just putting forward that not all women are sweet innocent souls, that's all. As I've mentioned before I worked in the nightclub and bar trade for 15 odd years in London and some of the things I've seen, especially from girls wanting attention from famous people would make your hair curl. I've also been on the recieving end of vicious rumours from a couple of ladies that have not responded too kindly from being shall we say, being rejected or not received the attention they demanded.
  21. Stop talking sense you sexual abuse apologist. Accountability apparently has ceased to exist in our society.
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