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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Ah yes, that old chestnut. Of course, if these countries had not been invaded ions ago then Judith Charmers would have been presenting shows from Mogadishu and the like. 🙄 That's it, keep the typical condescending left mantra going. Let them forever believe they have reasons to fail. Keep instilling that these countries have every reason to be complete nightmares because they had interference decades and decades ago. Keep them in their place eh, always the victims and reasons to fail. How typically left.
  2. Obviously a shed load of money cures trauma and mental health issues. 🙄
  3. There it is. Stick up for men. WOMEN HATER!!!
  4. Only the contrarians or incredibly naive would dispute this. Just to repeat for those who can't think outside the box... THIS IS ABSOLUTELY, IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM MAKING EXCUSES FOR BRANDS ALLEGED AWFUL BEHAVIOUR.
  5. 👍 There are videos by the plenty of social media giving tips on how to bag a famous footballer for crying out loud!! Remember the girls that would brag about sleeping with famous footballers and rock stars. Don't be so naive!!
  6. Are you implying that there are no women who literally throw themselves at famous men? Is that what you are saying?
  7. Of course not, why on earth would you think that? What a strange thing to say.
  8. Indeed. Make no mistake, if he is found to have done these awful things he deserves punishment. Let's not brush over the fact though that there are thousands of women who literally throw themselves at famous men, let's not pretend they don't know what they are doing and are sweet innocent flowers.
  9. A quote from one of his accusers. "He is very much part of the mainstream media, he just happens to have a YouTube channel where he talks about conspiracy theories to an audience that laps it up" So no bias whatsoever regarding his views then.
  10. Exactly. Why is there never any reports or outrage about the vindictiveness of women to other women? Most women would agree deep down they are much meaner to other women than men are.
  11. Religion? Are you suggesting these places would be top holiday spots without interference?
  12. Oh, my mistake, I thought you had taken those blinkers off. It's odd, apparently it's snide now to point out racism and sexism. How bizarre.
  13. Well, at least you acknowledge their sexism. 👍
  14. We can but you are called a Misogynist. I've been supporting men's rights on here for ages, pointing out the blatant sexism of the Guardian but I get shouted down. When women support women it's empowering and applauded, even though the meanest people towards women are other women. Mental health issues and sucide with teenage girls is apparently higher than ever due to social media. There was an article in the Guardian the other day about this and of course it mentioned young boys and Andrew Tate as the problem, it failed to mention the bullying and venomous bile that other girls dish out. It's bizarre.
  15. I call it childish, but it is funny. Oh sorry, forgot.. RACIST!!!!! MISOGYNIST!!!!!
  16. Good grief. So what you are saying is that the folk from these countries are incapable of creating a working system within their land, even though its decades and decades since interference? How incredibly condescending. Still, that's the mantra of the left isn't it, keep them down by instilling a victim mentality and blaming everyone else for your problems. Guardian reader by any chance? I am guessing yourself and Mkapaka don't have a property in Lampedusa?
  17. And here's me thinking he was absolutely rubbish up top. I wouldn't take it personally, misogynistic is the new word to throw around that has replaced racist and incel. I find it rather funny if I am honest.... my guess is " groomer" will be the next insult to chuck around.
  18. Be Tucker Carlson next once this dies down.
  19. Gosh I hope not as I want my lass out graftin for 8 hours a day whilst I press a button to wash the clothes and dishes, then make some food and do the vacuuming whilst watching t.v. 😉
  20. That's what the Mediterranean is for the selfish sausage.
  21. My dog's life would trump most people I do know!!! 🙂
  22. Interesting question... Would your dog's life trump someone's you didn't know?
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