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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/aug/06/surfers-sewage-pollution-blue-flag Just for a bit of balance. 👍
  2. Your credentials to become an MP are growing by the minute.
  3. She lived on a council estate and was a one parent. Bravo Angela, bravo. Amazing skills. Explains a lot. 😉😉
  4. She was probably talking about Peter Shreeves being the owls manager.
  5. I agree, the little rat size ones are incredibly aggressive, especially with other dogs, however they are highly unlikely to drag you down and savage you to the point of needing a hospital or a hearse.
  6. Was in a launderette in Forest Hill, London. My American roommate called me to say planes had crashed into the WTC. Rushed home and was glued to the t.v for 48 hrs.
  7. The spectacle was hailed as a success by a pro-European group of music lovers called Thank EU For The Music who organised the display and said they handed out thousands of EU flags outside the Albert Hall. In a Facebook post, it said the the display sent a “powerful signal to the world that Britain wants back IN!” In an open letter to Tim Davie, the BBC’s director general, the group said the stunt was a demonstration against Brexit. So a stunt, not a protest. How petty, and I say that as someone who didn't want brexit.
  8. Wasn't it an organised protest by a pro Europe group? Seems very petty if it was, especially during Rule Britannia. I can see why folk would be annoyed.
  9. Aye, damn those right wingers setting off bombs killing loads and stabbing babies in Europe.
  10. They obviously have a new target they want to destroy. Now twitter is not a left leaning platform ( ah didums) they are now stamping their feet and like a pack of rabid dogs they are relentlessly trying to rip it apart! 🤪 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/08/elon-musk-committed-evil-starlink-order-ukraine https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/08/twitter-saudi-arabia-human-rights-abuses Every day's it's twitter bashing circle jerk! I would use swear words but I will leave that to the self appointed tolerant side. 😘
  11. Nothing like an anniversary regarding the royals to get the cretins out from under their rocks for a bit of Royal bashing. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/08/year-queen-death-king-charles-royal-firm
  12. I see the left are being as tolerant as ever to folk who have the sheer audacity to not think like them. Shocked I tell thee, utterly shocked!!
  13. I quite like OG, he offers his opinion and certainly contributes to decent debate, however he just sometimes comes out with the lazy throwaway comments that he thinks are all fashionable at the time.
  14. Hate propaganda!! Get over yourself you silly sausage. What's wrong, you getting all frothy because other folk have the audacity not to think like you?
  15. It would probably fall but I doubt dramatically. You only have to look at the multi millionaire NFL players in America, the domestic abuse, drunk driving, drug charges and other gun crimes still happen on a regular basis. Since 2000, and there are 54 pages of examples. https://databases.usatoday.com/nfl-arrests/page/1/
  16. If a trans women would have been on the Titanic when it was going down, would they have gone into the lifeboats before the men?
  17. Don't talk such common sense, it will get em all upset.
  18. No surprise though is it. She will have been completely pressured into taking this action. Like I said from the beginning , the pack of wolves will not be happy until they have ruined his life.
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