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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I will help you out. Yes it's migrants . Interesting article, have a read and learn something, then you might stop and have a think about what's happening rather than just throwing the word racist around because you ain't got anything else to say. 👍
  2. https://www.gulf-insider.com/almost-all-gang-members-in-sweden-are-either-1st-or-2nd-generation-migrants. Yes I understand we were discussing Poland and Hungary but you suggested they had no terrorism because they don't invade other countries... So, why does Sweden have such problems then with bombs and is in high alert for terrorist attacks?
  3. Why is Sweden having an issue with bombs then and are on high alert for terrorist attacks? In 2018 there were 162 explosions, and in the first nine months of 2019 97 explosions were registered, usually carried out by criminal gangs. According to Swedish police commissioner Anders Thornberg in 2019, there is no international equivalent to Sweden's wave of bombings. Do Sweden invade other countries?
  4. Aye, I knew it wouldn't be their fault. It would appear so, not their fault though. Be white man's fault. I am absolutely shocked. 😮😮😮
  5. How come most Eastern European countries dont have mass riots, looting of shops, stabbings, and civil disobedience on a grand scale?
  6. And despite representing less than 4% of Australia's population, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people account for 32% of prisoners. Crikey.
  7. I am right wing but agree with you on this one, so I don't think that's correct.
  8. My thoughts are it needs sorting and it is. 👍
  9. Are they not in the process of sorting this issue out?
  10. There is no dramatic headline or a massive circle jerk at the Guardian as yet, so I am guessing not.
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/03/trump-tim-kaine-donald-trump-2024 Suggesting they disqualify him now. They must be getting a bit nervous.
  12. Really, where have I said that, or is it just another typical lazy throwaway comment made to those who are right wing?
  13. It's obvious he has had a falling out with MJ. He seems a sulky sort, always throwing his arms around and has a face like a smacked arse, guessing Xisco doesn't want negativity around the place.
  14. How can someone who wrote a book be possibly considered as the finest Englishman or woman to have ever lived!! It's not like they fell through a bar hatch or anything.
  15. Emma Thompson has just become someone to laugh at. She is the epitome of the luvvie liberal hypocrite. Shame really as she is a good actor.
  16. That's an excellent point to be fair. I personally know lots of Romanian and Bulgarians living and working in the UK legally and most if not all want to return home when they have paid their minimum contributions so they get a pension.
  17. Shower every morning, sometimes at night. No excuse for smelly people.
  18. I see the Ukrainian children are going back to school even though bombs are dropping. Ours are being pulled out because some soft cement might fall off. 🤦
  19. Morning OG. Looking at the set out of that post, I bet the driver was less ****** than you. 😉😉 It's a joke before you get all argumentative. 👍
  20. How long before someone puts in a compo claim saying a bit of concrete falling off has given them mental health issues?
  21. Enjoyed that game. The blades played well, more performances like that and they might be ok.
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