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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Thousands of people around the world die in car accidents, why not Princess Diana? No conspiracy from my angle.
  2. Don't make kids like they used to. Scared of a bit of soft concrete fallin on em.
  3. All bets are off. They have paid out already as it was Joshua and Cressida from Netheredge that complained.
  4. Everyone including myself is expecting a thrashing but I think it will be either 2-1 or 3-1 to Leeds.
  5. Can't see anything other than a cagey game but I think the blades will win by the odd goal.
  6. I would love to know who complained about Mexican week. Actually just checked on the 365 betting site. Any Mexican.... 100-1. A bored righteous white liberal wet wipe being offended on someone else's behalf.... 4/6 on.
  7. Aye, that's a good one. I see it on Facebook profile pictures, lasses that have false everything with lips that look like rubber rings and comments from their friends. "Looking lush hon" "Your just gorgeous babe" It's funny as owt!!
  8. You are lucky you don't have to pay on the gate!!
  9. All we need is a half decent pacy center forward or two and I think we would stay up. Nothing against Jeff Hendricks but how on earth is he going to improve us? Our recruitment strategy is absolutely baffling, why do we always sign lots of players who will not make us any better?
  10. It will and I presume has stopped many from having babies as a job.
  11. You can be a silly sausage at times. How can I be serious about saying all women are good when apparently I am a misogynist? Make your mind up. 👍
  12. Crikey. Be rather apt if a clinic performing that were situated in Wombwell.
  13. Like I said, sarcasm is obviously not your strong point is it. Were you out with Presley last night at the old man's working club getting loaded on navy rum as both of you have got a sense of humour malfunction today?
  14. As bad as the Meadow Head bus lane decision!!! Give over. 😉
  15. Sarcasm isn't your strong point is it. So it's no then. 👍
  16. It's up there, not quite as baffoonish as the Meadow Head monstrosity but very close. See, now you are being absolutely ridiculous. Sourdough is fine.
  17. I just thought it made a change from the well thought out masterpiece of Silly Sunak. 👍
  18. Don't be such a silly sausage. Is that more of a well thought out comment for you? The conservative government is not "far right" that's just another buzzword that's being thrown around by any opposition, I expected better from Anna.
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