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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Misogynists!! I see this is the new buzzword word that's getting thrown around by those that have never used it before. I think it's replaced " incel" Racists White supremacists. Incels. Now it's Misogynists!!! Wonder what's next....
  2. Would you be as critical to the repeated messages we see about sexism, racism or homophobia? Are you critical of the repeated messages about how awful the government is? I don't really get your point to be honest, is it ok to keep repeating messages only if you agree with them?
  3. So men can have a womb fitted and have a baby? Have I got that right? If so, the lengths that some folk will go to get some time off work amazes me.
  4. No chance, but it would be absolutely comedy gold watching the meltdown.
  5. So no links or proof, just throwing around lazy and embarrassing accusations. What a shock.
  6. At the time of writing, there was absolutely nothing. 👍 Can you prove or post a link confirming that? Otherwise it just seems a lazy and embarrassing post to make. 👍
  7. I do go to Specsavers, got 3 pairs for the price of 2 last year. So you think they don't report it to wind people up? Seriously?
  8. Bingo. And if the ladies on here were being completely honest, they would absolutely concur. Ladies use their assets and poor little flower routine to help get what they want. My girlfriend does it all the time and knows it works, she is totally acceptable with that. It's helped us tremendously over the years.
  9. One of the UK's main newspapers is refusing to acknowledge serious disorder, machete attacks, numerous stabbings and sexual assaults in our capital city, all because it's doesn't suit their disgraceful racist narrative. Absolutely disgraceful and rather dangerous, refusing to report so many serious crimes like this. Why are they trying to hide it? It's got a headline about white folk killing a parrot though. I only hope that at some point they realise how utterly pathetic they are being and actually acknowledge what's happening. A question to our Guardian supporters.. Why do YOU think they are not reporting these serious events?
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/30/race-equality-leader-hits-out-at-uk-denial-of-institutional-racism Absolutely nothing about serious disorder in our capital but they have this in their UK headline section.
  11. Definitely. I used to work in Nottingham and there is without doubt a twang.
  12. That could mean misandrist, but I am being pedantic. 👍
  13. You missed out the latest buzzword misogyny for a full bingo card. Must try harder. B+
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