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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I had a friend who said he worked for PIA. He was dyslexic and really worked for India Pale Ale.
  2. Too many to mention, I am absolutely hopeless at DIY. I've more holes in my walls from drill mistakes than a factory of swiss cheese.
  3. Why? No one is being aggressive or rude. What's happened to you lately, you used to be cool with a sense of humour. Is everything ok?
  4. Absolutely racist behaviour but they are Jews so it's somewhat accepted by certain leanings. To add however, anyone who heckles a comedian for being rude or offensive needs to get a life.
  5. You're failure to recognise a simple fact is both telling, boring and incredibly pedantic.
  6. Just remember that the next time you have to be at the airport 3 hours early or children have to go through extra security at concerts. Those damn far right nutters.
  7. Can you tell me the last time a far right individual blew kids to smithereens? All the security we have to go through at concerts, stations, airports and the like is it because of... A. Far right Racists? B, islamic extremist? Think carefully now and be honest.
  8. Well, to be fair" Far right violence"" not right wing violence".....let's get that straight for a start....are highly unlikely to be blowing you to smithereens or slashing kids to death so yes I can see why one differs from the other.
  9. Bit condescending. Equality and all that these days.
  10. Elon is the latest figure that the left want banged up. They will not stop until they ruin his life.
  11. I highly doubt they will be dealing in Thailand. Yes it's possible to function on drugs, I've known weed, coke and heroin users function as normal with limited use. It depends on the individual to be honest. Don't judge him because he might have the odd bifter or line.
  12. Enjoyed the games, it all went off without protests and much controversy. Everyone loved the Tom Cruise stunt at the end.....a bit of fun......all but one miserable news outlet....... Yes, those perma miseries at the Guardian.... State of this. "Then finally, as hotly trailed, actual Tom Cruise appeared standing on the lip of the stadium roof, before jumping to his tragic and bloody death. Not really. Cruise was instead lowered on a wire. Much had been made beforehand of his planned “death defying stunt” which slightly lost its edge when it emerged parts of it had been pre-recorded and he is patently walking around not actually dead at all. So … slight Buzz kill" 😂😂😂 But a Cameroon Rapper was amazing. "It did drag at moments. There was a very long minor chord ominous expressive dance number. There was a chaotic moment as all the athletes ran on stage and had to be told to get off before they ruined it. A band called Phoenix played some grumpy French pub rock. A French Cambodian rapper was pretty amazing" Gosh, ain't they so predictable
  13. Wonderful performance, from start to finish, never let Plymouth settle at all, the work rate and movement was superb.
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