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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. That can't be what they are showing children, I am not having that.
  2. Showing Pride Grandad books to kids!!! Priceless.
  3. No. That's just you trying to twist stuff as per usual for likes. Why? My purpose is to expose the Guardian for what it is. Nothing stopping you from doing what you suggest though. 👍
  4. In restaurants and for cabbies yes. Don't ask me why because I've no idea!! Just seems the thing to do I guess. Oh and food delivery drivers also.
  5. When speaking about this particular case? I've not checked. Maybe you could show me an article discussing this case and stating that sometimes there is no explanation....but then manages to swerve in a predictable pathetic jibe against the government. So basically they ARE trying to make out there is an explanation aren't they. Using this horrific case to highlight their narrative is just what I would expect from the vile Guardian.
  6. The Guardian is quite right to highlight that sometimes there is no explanation but it doesn't stop them from using this horrific act to get in their petty digs at the government does it.
  7. Roughly translated outside of lefty self righteous circles... Concerns about immigration and getting rather fed up of all the LGBTQ+++++ nonsense. 👍
  8. Can't argue with that, although they get angry at things they didn't when younger.
  9. A larger percentage of young people don't think the monarchy is important but once they grow up and stop becoming all angry at everything they calm down and realise the monarchy has more benefits to the UK than not.
  10. Thank god for that. Saves me having to listen to some righteous drivel.
  11. More man bashing!!!! https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2023/aug/20/england-fell-in-love-with-this-team-but-spain-serve-up-bittersweet-ending I love the line...... " This is a game for extraordinary women, a stage for extraordinary women, a tournament for extraordinary women. But never forget that it is a world still run by mediocre men." Even though the winning coach who's tactics won the world cup is a MAN!!!! Their bitterness is a joy to behold. Dry your eyes Guardian!!! 😂😂😂😂
  12. The absolute state of this silly racist sausage. Maaaaaaaate!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  13. I know the Guardian would have, be top headlines in flashing lights with bells on top.
  14. I have absolutely no doubt they will not be covering the story. They love a maaaaaaaate though. 👍
  15. Love wearing a mask me, anything that helps not having to talk to other humans gets a thumbs up from me. 👍
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