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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Those that shout the loudest...... I will leave it there. 👍
  2. Spain were absolutely fantastic the first half, deserved their win.
  3. Those that shout the loudest are usually the ones with something to hide. A good example of this would be someone who claims to support LGBTQ movement and uses this as a prop to bolster their profile. He was considerably more outspoken about this than any other player, earning great praise from the LGBTQ community. He then got a wad of cash waved at him and went to work for people who agree with throwing gay folk off rooftops, so he obviously doesn't care does he, it's all for show. I need to say no more. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/jul/27/jordan-henderson-liverpool-lgbtq-saudi-arabia-thomas-hitzlsperger Even the Guardian columnists were disappointed. 👍
  4. Do some research then. Like I say, those that shout the loudest are usually the ones who have something to hide. 👍
  5. I submit Jordan Henderson for starters.
  6. Absolutely. It's usually ones who have some inner guilt. Jordan Henderson didn't do them any favours to be fair though!!
  7. But more importantly, can you let a proper trouser buster rip in a lift?
  8. Good grief, the women's world cup has really got the misandry flowing at the self loathing Guardian. Yet another article being negative about men. Maybe Mr Lahm is right, I mean the men's game is so unpopular and few watch it, obviously it's a poor product that needs to take heed from the women's game that is obviously far superior and generates billions in revenue. Maybe the women's game can help financially in making the men's game better rather than the other way round in this case? 🤪 One question, how did multi- millionaire Mr Lahm make his wad? Was it in this industry that could learn so much from the women's game? Still, it will get all the likes and pats on the back and make him feel all warm and cosy whilst he thinks of his next righteous article. I mean I am all for folk to be excited about the women's game but why o why does there have to be a dig at the men's game all the time, all it's doing as usual is creating division and resentment.....but I guess the Guardian thrive on that dont they. It really is pathetic. https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2023/aug/19/what-the-mens-euros-next-year-can-learn-from-a-superb-womens-world-cup
  9. A gastro ward!!! Some material there for a you tube channel Nikki!!
  10. I've found farting hilarious since I was a kid, it genuinely gets me in tears sometimes and I hope I alway will. My whole family find it funny, my old man is the worst. He cracks out the wettest farts I've ever heard and he can't stop giggling for ages. I just can't get my head around people who don't find them funny.
  11. They are good They are very stiff when you get them so they need using quite often to soften them up to get maximum thrust. I think mine were about 10 dollars each
  12. Give it a go, I was very sceptical about women's footy but Ive thoroughly enjoyed the world cup. No rolling around and cheating, they just go for it and the skill has improved ten fold over the past few years.
  13. I've 3 pooters! Got them from Jack Vale in the states. There is an app called fart sounds you can download on your phone, it's very good!!
  14. You have to watch his videos on YouTube, if you find farts funny, it's a must. The ending to that long fart ( obviously a machine or a device) is absolutely priceless Humor bagel is his channel. https://youtube.com/shorts/rmKzweI6ryo?si=yBNRsudsEmoVwBQF
  15. I gathered that!! You see the game today? It's painful ain't it.
  16. How do you know if it's gonna smell or not though?
  17. That's the most Guardian article ever!! He doesn't mention if his partner is a woman does he, it's their this, their that. It couldn't be anymore Guardian!!!
  18. Normal rate. I am not a greedy man. Man sweat and rampant body odor is extra mind. Have you ever been to a woman's game of football?
  19. This bloke is one of my YouTube go tos when I need a laugh. Humor bagel. https://youtube.com/shorts/72k4y9my0fM?si=urbyKj7pSONv5BZm
  20. But did it honk? Without the smell they seem a tad pointless.
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