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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. This is what reports look like through the eyes of racists, they don't see people, just colour. There is absolutely no evidence as yet to say this incident had anything to do with race. Brawls like this will have taken place thousands of times this weekend, white on white, black on black, black on white, white on black, but this is being made out as if it's some kind of racial lynching. They obviously think that any scrap between a white person and a black person must be because of a racial problem. This is what those obsessed about someone's colour does to the brain. Remember, not one shred of evidence has deemed this a racist attack. Another example of the racist Guardian trying to create division. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/07/alabama-montgomery-riverfront-brawl-dock-worker-attacked
  2. Anything that halts the production of screaming things that ruin most of the flights I take gets a thumbs up from me.
  3. It's something I keep meaning to do now I am in my mid fifties. I believe you can do it online, anyone got any advice regarding this?
  4. I think you're view is pretty much spot on.
  5. Most of these type of articles are completely fabricated to suit their narrative. It's usually ones trying to convince the natives about how rotten white men are, however some, like the one in question are just comedy gold.
  6. It certainly does. It's always on the pulse. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/aug/01/my-husband-turns-me-on-but-i-cant-stay-lubricated-during-sex
  7. Nice to see Mister Gee offering his usual valuable input. This forum is very lucky to have such a esteemed wordsmith.
  8. I've not deleted any post. I stand by my statement, I've proven the point, what more do you want? Are you now saying that girl on the video is lying? Did I mention anything about women being attacked or is that you being super melodramatic? And regards to trivialising harassment, I think you should look more at those, like in the video, rather than the messenger.
  9. You keep using the word attack or attacker, I really don't think I've used that term, correct me if I am wrong however. I believe we were discussing harassment. You can keep using the words "attacked" and "crass" all you want to get attention but it's not working. I've proved my point. So do you think that any women would not say a man was harrasing them if they fancied him? Do you believe that a woman would complain more about a real ugly man or a George Clooney lookalike trying to talk to them on the number one bus into town or wolf whistling at them? Just a reminder for those that ain't seen this example.... https://youtube.com/shorts/AlqlzuThnAU?feature=share
  10. I've already proved you wrong on that one. I said many women, not all and it's you that's mentioned attackers, not me. Are you openly suggesting that I am incorrect because I will post a video again proving my point? Yes it was me that said that and I stand by it.
  11. I love equality M. Nothing more, nothing less. It's why I always complain to the partner every night when it's me that does the dishes.
  12. I believe women who are married to Muslim men do have their own separate room. The kitchen. 😉
  13. No, no NO!!!!... Apparently rapping about killing folk and beating up women is cathartic and just like folk music back in the day. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/aug/04/why-rap-and-drill-are-the-folk-music-of-today https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/15/rap-drill-music-life-violence-youtube-ancient-athens-catharsis-music-teenagers 😂😂
  14. In some way, a loss like that in front of the chairman maybe a positive thing as we were absolutely schooled last night. The players gave their all, no doubt but we are too slow and predictable and in this league it's a receipe for relegation. Defensively I think we are ok, but creating chances with our midfield is the problem. We have strikers who will only score if given chances as they are not really capable of creating chances on their own. Midfield is where our issue will be. Paterson was excellent last night by the way.
  15. No worries. Just keep it up, I know you can do it. 👍
  16. Well, you have managed to curb your foul mouth so that's a start. 👍
  17. There it is. Like clockwork. It's like shelling peas. 😂😂😂
  18. Not back then I wasn't. My crusade to highlight their racism, sexism and blatant hypocrisy only began in 2021. Genuinely interested, why did the guardian not back him?
  19. Did they? Why was that do you think? You forgot their main lying buffoon columnist Owen Jones.
  20. Not by a long shot. The government in the UK provide street lighting and garbage bins for starters.
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