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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Empowering they were. Don't tell a woman they remind you of them though.
  2. CNN are back to being obsessed with Trump so I am guessing he is gaining traction! The channel of equality and pretend caring. Then they have relentless adverts about Saudia Arabia!!! 😂😂😂
  3. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/women-reclaim-the-word-fat-in-empowering-me-body-positive-photo-series-10438546.html Apparently it's empowering. Don't ever say to a woman that she reminds you of someone who is fat though, they won't like it. It not that empowering.
  4. Well, it would be a non story if the lass didn't tell anyone that she is non binary, I mean, why the need to tell people? Like I said, she has the attention she craved.
  5. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/grooming-gangs-iicsa-racist-fears-b2007649.html "Official reports into abuse by grooming gangs have identified racism fears as an issue for almost a decade, but Mr O’Brien said cases seen for IICSA’s latest report were “very recent indeed”. In 2013, a report by parliament’s Home Affairs Committee considered a widespread perception that the majority of perpetrators were of Asian or of Muslim origin. It reported that the fear of being seen as racist may have hindered the detection of and intervention in abuse and said it was “essential” for professionals to raise concerns freely." You could argue that the perpetrators knew this, so being a certain ethnicity, you might say, did have a certain privilege. It was an absolute disgrace and a pointer of how folk are being bullied into keeping their traps shut by the loonies.
  6. It's really really really really really not my life's ambition. 🙄 Good stuff. 🙄
  7. You are more than welcome to call others out if you so desire, however, I've made it my life's soul ambition to call out the Guardian for it's blatant guff.
  8. On the flip side, they will bring a bit of class to the area. 😉😉
  9. The Stirrings: A Memoir in Northern Time by Catherine Taylor is published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson (£16.99). To support the Guardian and Observer order your copy at guardianbookshop.com. 👍
  10. Top marks for trying. 👍 It's a thread ABOUT the Guardian you silly sausage. 😂
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2023/apr/13/why-has-labour-turned-nasty Even the Guardian agree!!
  12. I have an old Tranny stored in a lock up in Romania!!
  13. One would imagine it's slight increase from last year would be much higher if not for strict rules. They should do what San Francisco, Philadelphia and Toronto do as it's working so well out there, I am sure the Guardian approves of their such successful methods.🙄 Regards Japan and Denmark, I never said otherwise.
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jul/30/the-stirrings-a-memoir-in-northern-time-catherine-taylor-review-sheffield-in-the-shadow-of-peter-sutcliffe
  15. That's quite a seismic contribution you have brought to the table. 👍
  16. Demise? Care to elaborate? As explained numerous times, I read all kinds of papers regardless of my political leaning. It always cements my view that I am on the side of common sense. Obviously I wouldn't expect you to understand that concept.
  17. You must be one of the very few men left that doesn't have a pair of Amanda's smalls lying around.
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