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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Just because you're offended doesn't mean you are right.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/26/forget-nigel-farage-and-coutts-banks-have-been-locking-ordinary-people-out-of-accounts-for-years A perfect example of trying to somehow make out it's normal. Thing is, unless I am mistaken, there is no mention of accounts being closed because of political views? Straining every sinew to try and justify it. 🤪🤪
  3. It's quite amusing that folk, not just on here, are still trying to strain every sinew to try and make this whole farce by the bank somehow acceptable. Actually it's rather worrying more than amusing that certain folk are happy to see someone suffer because they don't have the same political view.
  4. Breaded mushrooms with a garlic dip. Ham, egg and chips with bread and butter. Lemon cheesecake.
  5. Nige is definitely ruffling a few feathers ain't he.
  6. I think Organgrinder and Mister Gee go to the same school of charm and diplomacy. It's absolutely spectacular reading and certainly gives one an evening of free entertainment.
  7. I see the chuckle brothers are after some fresh meat to withhold their salavating, so happy to oblige. My view is the same as it's always been. If he has done what is alleged then he deserves all he gets. I don't really know what else you require from me. Lovely here on the black sea, lovely breeze cooling everything off from a 35 degrees day. Looking at some container ships waiting to go to the port of Varna at the moment.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/25/singapore-execute-woman-first-time-years-saridewi-djamani This is the left in full flow. Singapore is one of the safest places in the world, especially for solo female travellers. One of the cleanest, with a low crime rate and went over 250 days without a crime in 2021. Imagine how wonderful that would be, they are obviously doing something right ain't they. But NO!!!!!! The death penalty for drug dealing and smuggling is wrong as it affects the vulnerable according to activists, and given air time by our friends at the Guardian. Imagine trying to tell one of the safest places on earth they are doing it wrong!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪
  9. Time difference, I am currently in Eastern Europe. Early start this morning. Nice to know I've a stalker.
  10. Indeed, semi retired one, and I love wetherspoons, especially the breakfasts The food is not lousy at all. Why is the owner a nob, what's he done wrong, doesn't he employ thousands and provide an excellent service enjoyed by so many?
  11. Talking of the left hating twitter the other day, read this nasty article by our friends at CNN. A bit of casual racism thrown in for good measure. They are just so nasty and childish. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/24/media/twitter-x-reliable-sources/index.html Oh and they hate wetherspoons also, something about the working man getting a good deal really grates with them.
  12. Sorry Anna but that's nonsense. I am guessing you have not taken a train or coach late at night. Plus if you think the trains are a nice environment, especially the toilets then I give up. Don't get me started on flights!!
  13. I don't doubt it. Just giving my experience when I take the bus sometimes when visiting a relative.
  14. Maybe they should introduce a first class section, maybe that would attract more customers?
  15. How would that stop screaming kids running up and down the aisles and smelly folk trying to talk to me whilst I clean up all the discarded Metro newspapers off the floor? If the bus was free, what would change? I think it's personally down to disrespectful human beings rather than the company running them. Good point.
  16. Maybe folk don't want to share a bus with screaming kids and smelly folk? I sometimes take the bus that goes from Lowedges to town, via Blackstock road. For 30 minutes it's like being in a different universe.
  17. The fact Nigel had his account closed was because his views didn't align with the bank, he has received an apology from the said bank and the BBC. It must be difficult for his distractors to accept that, I understand the frustration it must cause.
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